"Mirar los toros desde the barrera
His painting is a mirror of his soul, and whoever has the fortune to know personally the master Abruzzo can attest the truth of this quasi autobiographical reading of his paintings.
an iconic that leverages its aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof fine quality, but far from realistic temptations is indispensable to the practice of rarefaction received a single entry from the real joy within the perimeter of the fantastic.
Sparkling seems the desire to impress with the color of the viewer's attention that the act of reading all his work he senses the movement of the formation of a sign that comics in almost every case the tip brightness over a large collection. In short even by this evocative exhibition of Pratola Peligna you highlight the entire production to be a lyric poem harmonized with the three components that are the foundation of a truly unique iconography, or the sign, the light and color, this pure or poorly elaborato, netto nella sua accezione timbrica in grado di strutturarsi per tessere in modo sorprendentemente spontaneo grazie alla sapienza compositiva dell’autore.