E' caduta una Mariastella Roberto Di Caro and Denise Pardo
A curriculum anonymous. A law degree with distinction. A trip to Reggio Calabria to the practicum office. Then the meteoric political career. The life of the poor minister who wanted to be a dancer and now inflames the school so far the factories were silent. Even the judges are split. She, Mariastella Gelmini, has led to the streets all: teachers, parents, insecure students. Its reform is the real defeat of the third Berlusconi government.
Miss You. But of those, sir. Tremonti wants cuts in schools and universities and the way to the creeping privatization: she performs, and raises the idea di trasformare istituti e atenei in Fondazioni in concorrenza fra loro. Il Vaticano vuole l'ora di religione cattolica come materia piena di insegnamento: per lei è subito una "posizione condivisibile". La tattica è elementare, se vuoi far carriera, non ti puoi fare troppi nemici. Se ne hai (le è capitato quando nel 2000 i suoi di Forza Italia la fecero fuori con una mozione di sfiducia dalla carica di presidente del consiglio comunale di Desenzano del Garda, e poi nel 2005 quando Berlusconi la nominò coordinatrice regionale tra i malumori della nomenklatura), meglio star buona, aspettare, prima o poi non mancherà l'occasione di farseli di nuovo amici. Lei, Mariastella Gelmini, in questo è bravissima. L'ha anche spiegato: "Non Mica is a crime to get along with everyone. "Gelmini, or the lightness of being fearful in the middle (according to the good souls) or mediocrity (as those evil). Not bad for one of every two to three syllables, states preaches meritocracy. Tactic or character? Will he attended primary school by the priests, 1,700 souls in Lower Brescia. where his Italian father, a farmer and rancher, had been mayor and DC, without scandal divorced from his wife Carmelina, was married to Wanda, mom Mariastella. Still we live and Cynthia Joseph, sons of his first wife, but very attached to his sister, extended family model. The first, which has a warehouse of products for farming, and since 2008 Deputy Mayor PDL, the second elementary school teacher, is the CGIL trade union representative. Half uproar broke out when, October 30, 2008, Cynthia did not join the general strike of teachers and put on unpaid leave. Gelmini wanted to be a dancer. She has gone wrong: it has become a minister. In middle school, Luigi Sturzo the nearby Gottolengo, where up to 15 years will live in a farmhouse, Mariastella is the passion of her teacher, Maria Nunziata Third, he studied dance, leading the battle against the interlayer dialect "pruning", helps the fellow down . In high school classic things get more complicated. It change three: Manin di Cremona, where he attended two years of high school, then the state of Desenzano Bagatta where he started the first high school to leave in December and move to Brescia, diocesan Cesare Arici private high school, where he had studied the same Giovanni Battista Montini, Pope Paul VI: "Yes, we have reputation for severity, but with no particular hardships," said Gian Enrico Manzoni, who was the teacher of high school Mariastella of greek and latin. The character, Manzoni describes the "confidential, nor an isolated nor a leader, no dispute with his companions, at least not that I remember: even then it tended to get along with everyone. "I was not the first class, but I never had any problems," he summed up that period the person concerned. It's true. In the report took five written in Latin in the first quarter, "but it was student to diligent, even though I can not think of any particular love for this or that, and won the 7 year-end, "says Manzoni. In greek, Italian, mathematics always oscillates between 6 and 7. 7 Science , art and history 8. At maturity, we are in July 1992, came out with 50/60. Just vote on the measure of conduct, and the other that requires 6 in all subjects to be admitted to the examination of maturity, speak Manzoni Gelmini and now minister when, in late 2008, will meet again. His high school invites her to a reunion, but throughout Italy erupts p ROTEST student and she disappears from circulation: let alone faces a challenge in front of his old school , you know treat for newspapers. But Manzoni calls to the ministry. "It was very nice. I tried to convince her that, under the guise of rigor and merit, those acts would have yielded its two opposite effects." Then some understanding for the desire of many students at the end of the course to close the accounts with the school and go to the other should have, Mariastella Gelmini. Why happened to her. Not to maturity, but in dissertation, University of Brescia, Faculty of Law, called the July 12, 1999. "She came to me and explained that, outside the course of three years, he wanted to finish their studies quickly, pointing to escape some of his political commitment to Desenzano," said Anthony D'Andrea, Professor of Constitutional Law: dell'impacciatissima graduate who was the rapporteur. "We agreed, therefore, a non-binding theory: a referendum on the initiative of the regions, then topical theme as some center-right government, Lombardy in the head, were preparing to use that tool in the Prodi government." They meet five or six times, most recently asked him to increase a bit 'theoretical apparatus and to complete the homework at least a small section of notes and bibliography acceptable, but now understands "that there is no need to insist . Of course there falls in love with her as a student, media, diligent, not particularly motivated, but after his work was passable, there was the minimum necessary. The point of fall, unexpected, was the thesis defense. "D'Andrea rivoge the application of a general nature: she" remains puzzled, embarrassed, is in trouble, it shows you do not have mastery of the topic. In such a situation is not rampant: I ask you something on the subject of the thesis and in less than ten minutes, with a little 'of disappointment, the license with 100/110. "Means that, come exam with a score of 99 , 28 representing a good average of 27, the thesis was evaluated less than one point out of 11 possible. Of the five graduates that day with D'Andrea, two of them with praise, she was the most poor. What did you think the professor to see Today Minister bishop of rigor and excellence? "I do not remember if I came to smile or I looked up to heaven. But he wants the policy has its own criteria. And his unique talent. "And these are certainly not lacking to her. It's '94, Berlusconi takes the field, Mariastella has twenty-one. From the beginning, playing on two key grounds of a political territory, where he will build his electoral fortunes, and the center in the heart of power. Desenzano, where he now lives with his mother helping her separate times in store appearance in Sirmione, he and Eman Uele Giustacchini Frosi and Henry, and chairs the club's first local Forza Italy "Several nights a week," says Giustacchini today councilor in Desenzano, "we were in a dozen people at his house posters, Banquet propaganda." Meanwhile, two or three times a week, partly by train from Desenzano to volunteer for the party in Milan: on the constitution of the club, in close relationship with Mario Mantovani, now Secretary for Infrastructure, and Giancarlo Abelli, then a consultant for the Health of the Region today Member. Shortly after beginning the story of love Mariastella Giuleader with former Democratic wing Forza Brescia Italy: it lasted until 2004. He continues to say that she is a "strong woman, capable, great weaver, the Letta Lombard, one of the sappers between Berlusconi and Formigoni". Policies of '96, "with the post of party executive officer of the college, the Gelmini manages to read and Adriano Paroli MP, CL Formigoni di ferro, paracadutato dall'alto e ignoto al territorio", aggiunge Giustacchini. Poi, nel '98, con 300 preferenze, è la prima eletta al consiglio comunale, di cui diventa presidente. La scalata è cominciata. Ma nel 2000 arriva la tegola: tre su sei dei consiglieri Forza Italia la destituiscono con una mozione votata dagli alleati civici e dall'opposizione. Diatribe interne, raccontano: l'ala "laica" di Franco Nicoli Cristiani, allora come oggi assessore regionale, contro i cattolici di Romele. Ma la ragazza è un muro di gomma, incassa come un pugile esperto. Non deve aspettare molto. Nel 2002, passato a Reggio Calabria l'esame di Stato per diventare avvocato (vedi box a pag. 37), c'è un rimpasto in giunta alla Provincia Brescia: "Romele claims a place for her, I reached an agreement with him, became Gelmini Councillor for the Territory," said Nicoli Cristiani. After 2004, the county requires the Land League, and Romele s'inalberano Gelmini: "Are you crazy? Take the Agriculture, is worth only 10,000 votes, the peasants always ask, but never forget," he says Nicoli. Gelmini takes Agriculture. But he has a feeling more intense with hunters, who in Brescia are a powerful lobby for tradition and for business: when they vote en masse in April 2005, becoming a Regional Councillor, first elected in force at Brescia, Italy with 17,500 preferences. We will reciprocate, Nicoli said, fighting in the regional council to approve the hunting derogation, ie so that they can freely shoot bramblings, starlings and finches. Not having time to do much else, remains in the exact location of the Regional Council. Berlusconi wants now in Rome's Palazzo Grazioli secretary. A month after the appointment of regional coordinator of Forza Italy. In 2006 she was elected deputy. Then, Sun Enic November 18, 2007, in an hour and a half organizing a crowd in Piazza San Babila to announce that Silva decided to do, burning times: the birth of People's liberties. Since then she throws her head footboard, Mariastella in the firmament of the stars of the center. Too bad that a year and a half on a chair has always been among the more points any government to make today seem more like a shooting star. Reelected in 2008, Mary Star, as the name Luciana Littizzetto, is one of four women in government. For the Knight is the most valuable piece. Once a council of ministers sat in the chair of the premier. "Here you see has already taken my place," Berlusconi said, laughing. If outside his every move leads to a procession, with the bureaucracy of the ministry is moving on tiptoe, careful not to tread on the corns nesssuno. It surrounds himself with people who in one way or another, getting used to. Among the consultants Alberto Albertini, finding his Democrat Brescia, even at Cnr, character went through many legal troubles. How to choose a spokesman Massimo Zennaro, beginning with Marcello Dell'Utri then Tiziana Maiolo to the City of Milan, a few months and promotes the Director General of Department for the student ministry. A true act of Caste. At his side Giuseppe Pizza, undersecretary, one who knows all the gears and poisoned wells of Roman political, legal owner of scudocrociato Dc. To give technical support, forzisti the two chairmen of the committees of reference, Valentina Aprea Guido May in the House and the Senate. In Rome, often runs around adoring Renato Farina, the Earthquakes' agent Birch, expelled from the Order of Journalists, in 2008 elected MP for the PDL, College Lombardy 2. Among those who will not invite Mariastella al ballo della scuola Giulio Tremonti (anche se quando lui taglia i fondi, lei sbatte i tacchi e decurta i docenti) e Denis Verdini (lui scherzoso le dice davanti a tutti che è sexy, lei, che non trova la cosa appropriata al suo rango, si sforza di sorridere, Verdini è potente e lei lo sa bene). Roma le ha cambiato il taglio di capelli, dal parrucchiere delle dive Roberto D'Antonio accanto a Montecitorio, ma non l'approccio circospetto, il talento di evitare rogne. Se Renato Brunetta si tuffa appena intravede una polemica, Gelmini fugge borbottando che "non si fa così": a giugno alla contestata presentazione di un libro di Mario Giordano alla Mondadori di piazza Duomo, a luglio quando in una sua conferenza stampa irruppe il senatore IDV Stefano Pedica. It is not denied the other hand, the minister Gelmini, who knows where the parterre is all for her to Trigoria biomedical campus near Rome, apostolic work of Opus Dei, as the Rimini Meeting of Cl, where for three days is was the Siamese twin of Formigoni. They were to exchange seats, the two: she as President of the Region, the Ministry of Education him, but she was just one day before Berlusconi, to declare that Formigoni is and remains the only candidate, reliable and indisputable, the region. After all look alike, she and the former virgin Pirellone: \u200b\u200bamiably coexist in both the soul and the cross-worldly in the sense of use of the world, with him as his jackets orange bikini that she with whom he immortalized in Positano "Chi", the Royal House of Arcore weekly, entitled "In the pool, zero for conduct" harpooned with a hard kiss on her new boyfriend George Patelli: 51 years geologist, ten years ago, Alderman for the Environment of Lombardy, then real estate, now also a building contractor, a buxom women from very different kind Hulk to Romele. Cautious, yes, not ungrateful, Mariaste lla. In June, county of Brescia, he fought unsuccessfully for the presidency until the spasm was the candidate that Romele and seemed a looming confrontation with Viviana Beccalossi of An. "Let's face it, you want to put your ex-boyfriend," the biting Ignazio La Russa. She, piccata, replicò: "Almeno, di me si sa".
Note: Espresso