Decreto RONCHI?
Mano a mano che si passa dalla propaganda alla sostanza, emergono con chiarezza i contorni di questo grande bidone che è il "contratto di disponibilità" per i precari.
Finalmente pubblicato il testo dell'art. 16 del decreto Ronchi, in cui è inserito il provvedimento in oggetto.
Ebbene il Decreto Ronchi contiene tutta una serie di norme per "salvare" l'Italia da infrazioni e sentenze della Corte di Giustizia Europea e all'art. 16 (Modifiche all’articolo 4 della legge 3 maggio 1999, No 124 - Adaptation to the European Court of Justice of European Communities of 13 September 2007 (Case C 307/05), in paragraph 1 is added to a legal technicality to cast doubt on a possible extension of the Judgement C. 307/05.
remember that this ruling caused a sensation a couple of years ago, as he condemned the English government, on appeal of a worker's precarious health, claiming that the seniority, the same way as permanent employees.
Based on this ruling, have been activated several cases of work in order to recognize the school's temporary workers the right to receive the annual increment.
remember that the precarious della scuola percepiscono mediamente, annualmente, circa 8.000/9.000 euro lordi in meno dei lavoratori a tempo indeterminato, per gli stipendi estivi ai più non pagati, ma anche e soprattutto per gli scatti di anzianità non percepiti.
Questo sfruttamento dei precari rappresenta la vera causa dell'alto numero di precari nella scuola; altro che le balle della Gelmini e di tutti i suoi predecessori, sulle graduatorie che non funzionano, sui concorsi che non vengono banditi o che sono stati banditi a posti zero.
Da segnalare inoltre, al comma 4, che il punteggio pieno di 12 punti per l'anno scolastico 2009-10 sarà assegnato solo ai titolari di "contratti di disponibilità" che parteciperanno alle attività previste paragraph 3, defined by agreements with the regions.
So precarious regions that do not trigger anything will not score. As well as the precarious
rightly refuse to participate in questionable regional training courses - organized basically just to give money to universities, SSIS or various agencies.
Under the full text article. 16
Stefano Micheletti Venice
ART. 16 (Amendments to Article 4 of Act May 3, 1999, n. 124 - Adjustment allasentenza Court of Justice of European Communities of 13 September 2007 (Case C 307/05) 1. Art. 4 of the Act May 3, 1999 , No. 124, after paragraph 14 is added ilseguente: '15. The fixed-term contracts concluded for the transfer dellesupplenze referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, as required to ensure service delivery lacostante school and education, are not in relationships alcuncaso become permanent employment and seniority counterbores allow useful for compensation before the entry into the register. "2. Low in the 2009-2010 school year and, notwithstanding the law in disposizionicontenute May 3, 1999, No 124 and its implementing regulations alconferimento any substitutes for teaching staff and administrative staff, technical and auxiliary staff, school administrations allocate temporary substitutes perassenza of the owners, with top priority and prescinderedall'inserimento in the rankings of institutions, staff included in the lists are exhausted under Article 1, paragraph 605, letter c) of the Law of 27 December 2006, no And 296 permanent staff included in the lists of Article. Legislative Decree 554 of 16 April 1994, No 297, already the recipient of the contract term, annual or until the end of the teaching activities, in school year 2008-2009, which has not been able to conclude the 2009-2010 school year the same type of contract for lack of seats available , is the recipient of a permanent contract and is not placed in riposo.3. The school administration may promote, in cooperation with the regions, projects lasting three months, extendable to eight, including activities of extraordinary, even for the performance dell'obbligodell'istruzione, to be achieved primarily through the use of lavoratoriprecari School Recipients of the allowance under paragraph 2 of disoccupazione.4. The staff in the previous paragraph identified the valutazionedell'intero year of service for the sole purpose of, the score nellegraduatorie exhaustion under Article 1, paragraph 605, letter c) dellalegge December 27, 2006, No 296 and the permanent lists of Article. 554del Legislative Decree April 16, 1994, No 297.
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