He began a collaboration between the gallery and Lucio Diodati Marie Demange
Gallery Marie Demange
Founded in 2004, the gallery Marie Demange, was first installed Beautreillis Street in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, in the heart of the Marais. in the year 2007 Marie Demange has transferred its activities in the Oise.
A unique place in one hour from Paris. Far from the tumult to Rethondes (Oise), in a mansion built against a chapel and surrounded by lush parklands, Marie Demange surprises, plays the gap and staged all expressions of contemporary art.
Center for Modern and Contemporary Art
Marie Demange
The Priory
1 rue Georges Bernard
60153 Rethondes
's wife Lucio Diodati
The Harlequin- Diodati reminds us somewhat mozardien Cherubino. It operates through numerous and different women in sunny landscapes, humorous, vacationers are turning, sometimes rifleman, so as to better monitor its women sometimes sensual, sometimes cat, sometimes melancholy, sometimes haughty. A painting
to taste like a glittering nimbus, a parade of body, voluptuous, untamed, worn by countless women of this feast of love characteristic of the art of Diodati.
The painter stands before the canvas like a mirror opposite of love to paint this ginécée, perhaps dedicated to a woman unknown to which each obsevatrice could find and identify.
Diodati seems painted by leveraging its experience, almost feminine, curious, on the outcrop point vain memories, not closed des incursions imprévues de flegmatiques demies déesses, guidant l’usufruitier complice à travers les énigmes du sens égaré de l’ironie, les repaires, les lieux et les situations dans lequelles il est possible de se réjouïr.
Dans Diodati, la dimension ironique et celle poétique se tressent, formant les modulations bariolées de ses tonalités expressives. Faire de l’humour signifie ironiser en regardant loin, outre; reconduire la conscience, à travers un cheminement complexe, à sa propre et insaisisable vérité, et dissoudre les antinomies ironiques dans “le bleu éthéré” de la fausse frivolité.
La femme de Diodati qu’elle it's romantic, classical, mystical, prosaic, or bourgeois adventurer recounts the facts of the world and life, launches his message about the truths of the external man, digging in the universal sense, love goes beyond quota shadows and signs.
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