All about Picasso expositions are unique opportunities, both de facto and talking advertising purposes, but this time, this claim is especially true: the Metropolitan Museum (New York, USA) opens to public the complete collection of the artist who owns one of the largest in the world on Pablo Picasso. About 300 Picasso's works compose a sample that contains your key issues, from the iconic Harlequins periods of Pink and Blue to its famous ceramics, prints and portraits, monumental heads, bulls, or his still lifes and figures fully and Cubists.
Unprecedented opportunity to see the extraordinary collection with the Met, comprising paintings, sculptures, ceramics and a significant number of prints. A set proving the genius of Picasso and collect as early as 1900 in its production, data from one of his portraits of adolescence, even some as late 1968, in which the artist would perform the work Naked Musketeer standing and sitting, at 87 years of age.
A collection that highlights his compositions so stellar youth, elegant designs, relatively unknown to the general public, despite its importance, and about 200 of his extraordinary prints. The whole exhibition presents 34 paintings, 58 drawings, a dozen sculptures and ceramics and a wide selection of prints and above, a set acquired by the Metropolitan over the past 60 years. For the preparation, all the work of Picasso in this collection has been subjected to rigorous study and many of the pieces have been restored and preserved "in order to reveal the intentions del artista y recuperar su integridad física". De este modo, la muestra presenta asombrosos descubrimientos que han tenido lugar durante las labores de investigación y conservación.
Junto con esto, la exposición ha posibilitado la publicación de un catálogo razonado, el primero exhaustivo de la colección de obras de Picasso del Metropolitan, posible gracias al propio museo y al especialista Gary Tinterow . Una oferta que se complementa además con la presentación de una serie de fotografías de Picasso realizadas por Man Ray, Brassaï, Arnold Newman y David Douglas Duncan, entre otros.
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