XLII BROAD PRIZE contemporary art
Homage to Carlo Mattioli
by Anna Zaniboni Mattioli
Earth. Proposals
2009 by Daniela Madonna
year's Broad Prize celebrates a marriage, under the auspices of Mother Earth. It is a blend of past and present, between reality and poetry, in view of prospects who choose to honor the artistic future rather than commemorate Futurism (which would have seemed rather spontaneous, the centenary of establishment of Marinetti's Manifesto). The year 2009 will be remembered, in fact, even as the conclusion of the three years that the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and UNESCO are dedicating to spreading knowledge of our planet from a scientific and artistic. The XLII edition of Vasto reflects primarily on the ground as a primitive, then consider the nature of men's house and a treasure trove of historical treasures and uncontrollable rage that sometimes wipe out life without much regard. The land is seen as a mirror of the mythical Gea, now offended by his beloved but temporary tenants, but also as a shell of silence that swallows everything under the rubble indelible memory. The exhibition is divided into two sections dialoguers: a tribute to the great Maestro Carlo Mattioli, who was able to translate in terms of lyrical landscapes and faces land, plus an exhibition of emerging artists valid operating in the country. The first section, edited by Anna Zaniboni Mattioli, shows the groove prepared to twentieth-century experience expressive fertile seed of creative voices of today, listened to and collected in the second exhibition area (terra.E Proposals 2009) by curator Daniela Madonna.
Frame Interactive XLII Prize is Palazzo d'Avalos. Inside, la sezione dedicata alle Proposte รจ ospitata dalle sale del Museo archeologico, che diviene sede di un’inedita osmosi tra le testimonianze della storia dell’uomo ed i messaggi artistici contemporanei.
Artisti partecipanti: Emir Baric, Giuseppe Colangelo, Valentina Crivelli, Leonardo de Lafuente, Gregory Di Carlo, Ettore Frani, Eliana Frontini, Alberto Garuffio, Michele Leccese, Vanni Macchiagodena, Massimiliano Pelletti, Alessandra Piano, Emiliano Rubinacci, Sergio Silvi, Giuseppe Termine, The Bag Art Factory.
11 luglio-31 ottobre 2009
Vasto (CH), Musei Civici in Palazzo d’Avalos
Ingresso gratuito – Info 0873.367773 - www.premiovasto.it
Orari: Lug./Ago. 10.30 / 12.30 to 18.00 / 24.00
Sept. / Oct. 10.00 / 12.30 to 16.30 / 20.30 (from 1 September Closed Mondays)
Homage to Carlo Mattioli
by Anna Zaniboni Mattioli
Earth. Proposals
2009 by Daniela Madonna
year's Broad Prize celebrates a marriage, under the auspices of Mother Earth. It is a blend of past and present, between reality and poetry, in view of prospects who choose to honor the artistic future rather than commemorate Futurism (which would have seemed rather spontaneous, the centenary of establishment of Marinetti's Manifesto). The year 2009 will be remembered, in fact, even as the conclusion of the three years that the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and UNESCO are dedicating to spreading knowledge of our planet from a scientific and artistic. The XLII edition of Vasto reflects primarily on the ground as a primitive, then consider the nature of men's house and a treasure trove of historical treasures and uncontrollable rage that sometimes wipe out life without much regard. The land is seen as a mirror of the mythical Gea, now offended by his beloved but temporary tenants, but also as a shell of silence that swallows everything under the rubble indelible memory. The exhibition is divided into two sections dialoguers: a tribute to the great Maestro Carlo Mattioli, who was able to translate in terms of lyrical landscapes and faces land, plus an exhibition of emerging artists valid operating in the country. The first section, edited by Anna Zaniboni Mattioli, shows the groove prepared to twentieth-century experience expressive fertile seed of creative voices of today, listened to and collected in the second exhibition area (terra.E Proposals 2009) by curator Daniela Madonna.
Frame Interactive XLII Prize is Palazzo d'Avalos. Inside, la sezione dedicata alle Proposte รจ ospitata dalle sale del Museo archeologico, che diviene sede di un’inedita osmosi tra le testimonianze della storia dell’uomo ed i messaggi artistici contemporanei.
Artisti partecipanti: Emir Baric, Giuseppe Colangelo, Valentina Crivelli, Leonardo de Lafuente, Gregory Di Carlo, Ettore Frani, Eliana Frontini, Alberto Garuffio, Michele Leccese, Vanni Macchiagodena, Massimiliano Pelletti, Alessandra Piano, Emiliano Rubinacci, Sergio Silvi, Giuseppe Termine, The Bag Art Factory.
11 luglio-31 ottobre 2009
Vasto (CH), Musei Civici in Palazzo d’Avalos
Ingresso gratuito – Info 0873.367773 - www.premiovasto.it
Orari: Lug./Ago. 10.30 / 12.30 to 18.00 / 24.00
Sept. / Oct. 10.00 / 12.30 to 16.30 / 20.30 (from 1 September Closed Mondays)

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