Monday, January 31, 2011

$ 99 Wedding Dress Sale2010

The Trickster

Before leaving for Berlusconi Fini, then reads the constitution on TV (remember?), And now after a meeting with the Berlusca Arcore says he quit the group Fini but what does it do craftily??

resigns as MP, so faithful to rimnane Fini and enters in its place while the first non-elected and therefore the fedellissimo Berlusca obviously helping the majority and will start another bank?


Saturday, January 29, 2011

How To Make A Bath Pillow

Ten poems on Italian carnival masks

Arlecchino, Pulcinella, Colombina e tante altre maschere di carnevale nacquero circa cinquecento anni fa nella cosiddetta "Commedia dell'arte" che non era precisamente una rappresentazione teatrale ma molto vi assomigliava e molto si basava sull'improvvisazione. Queste maschere carnevalesche divennero increasingly popular over the centuries and still today, even if not a hundred years ago, are widely known. Going to look for poems dedicated to them, I noticed that the character no longer present in the verses of the Italian poets and Harlequin. This mask was born in a neighborhood of Bergamo and had its heyday in the seventeenth century. The name derives from the archaic French: "Hellequin" or a devil this in some legends of the Middle Ages. Harlequin is depicted with a big white hat, a black mask and a multicolored dress. Carlo Goldoni was to more clearly characterize this form, by representing yourself as a man of the people that, despite some sins, had a sensible and honest behavior.
Corrado Govoni so irreverent as Arlecchino defines a "beggar" which calls for charity, this is done in a sonnet of which carry the first quatrain: "At one time he was people laugh, / now go begging in the bag, / a cocked hat with the tail that turns off / under the arm and a mandola suffering. "
more respectful Govoni Raffaele Carrieri is devoted to Harlequin, which, among other things, a poem which describes him as "Prince", "Harlequin good my prince: Dolphin first / Del somersault, / Rags and harp / For a long play. / At the end of all life / String dust magnet. "
Gianni Rodari nella filastrocca Il vestito di Arlecchino racconta con grande fantasia la nascita del variopinto costume ad opera di vari personaggi, tutti appartenenti alla tradizione popolare delle maschere italiane: « Per fare un vestito ad Arlecchino / ci mise una toppa Meneghino, / / ne mise un'altra Pulcinella, / una Gianduia, una Brighella. / / Pantalone, vecchio pidocchio, / ci mise uno strappo sul ginocchio, / / e Stenterello, largo di mano, / qualche macchia di vino toscano... ».
Roberto Mussapi ha scritto una poesia intitolata Il sangue di Arlecchino dove si parla del ritrovamento della maschera vuota di Arlecchino che si affloscia nell'acqua rain while people look past that astounded mystery «[...] tiring and astonished passers / look at her costume destroyed by the rain, / looking for the remains of meat, pulp density / between the shreds, among the countless colors / confused death and dripping / crossed in a single purple / transparent to dark or clear and current ... .
Another form popular in Italy is that of Pulcinella. With an all-white outfit (hat, shirt and baggy pants), with a black mask covering the eyes and nose, Pulcinella was born in Naples in the sixteenth century, thanks to actor Silvio Fiorillo, obsessed with food, trying to get in all modes, Pulcinella shows a disproportionate belly. It has often been portrayed with a mandolin or with a stick, a weapon he uses against his enemies with great violence. Remigio Zena wrote a poem about Pulcinella dedicated to the memory of comedian Anthony Petito, who became famous in the nineteenth century when, in interpreting the Neapolitan mask, he changed his staging, he appeared in public with a top hat and frock overlaid with a white shirt . Here is a stanza of the poem by Zena: "Why on the tables / In the age of your most beautiful / dirty Sălişte glue / Robe of Pulcinella? / Was it a dream of glory, / Greed or need? / You do not know, but the misery / T'affisse without tregua, / Ed il tuo nome in nebbia / Fin d'oggi si dilegua ».
Marco Lessona s'inventa una Epistola di Pulcinella a Colombina nella quale la maschera partenopea esorta la bella Colombina a concedersi alle sue avances: « Bella Colombina, vuoi dirmi di sì? / Del fiore, / Che sboccia dentro il tuo cuore, / Vuoi darne anche un petalo a me? / Vuoi darmi / Un poco d'amore? / Vuoi farmi / Assai più contento d'un re? ».
Pierrot è una maschera italiana malgrado il nome francese, nacque nel XVI secolo nella Commedia dell'Arte con le caratteristiche del servo astuto (il cosiddetto Zanni) e col nome originario di Predolino; la mask became famous in France but only a century later, taking the name of Pierrot and taking those qualities for which is still known; Pierrot mime is in fact a pale and melancholy attracted by the moon wearing a skull cap, a jacket and silk pants long, white. The poet Gian Pietro Lucini wrote a book called The Pierrot monologues in which he gives the floor to mask the intent of arguing with sad and harshly criticize a certain type of society, here's an excerpt from Crescent Moon " count the gentlemen who do not struggle, or that the best effort they say love, Frolli gentlemen / who sits on the honor cordon bleu , o pur nei molti ornati / justacorps à brevet . I Persiani in Francia. / Salamelech, Salamelech; Pierrot e Pierrettes / fan grandi riverenze alle parvenze d'una celebrità, / e tutto appare azzurro ed ingemmato [...] ».
Olindo Guerrini nei due sonetti che portano il titolo di Giovedì grasso , descrive, all'apparir del giorno, l'uscita di Pierrot e di Colombina da un locale dove si sono appena conclusi i festeggiamenti di carnevale; i due, dopo la veglia, sono stravolti dall'eccesso di cibo e di alcol: « Pierrot, disfatto che mettea spavento, / mezzo briaco e mezzo addormentato, il ritratto parea del pentimento / / e Colombina intanto a him by hand / stammering said: - Bada ... I feel ... - / And with his head against the wall vomited. "
Gustavo Botta envisions a conference of masks in a full moon night, " In white light, gathered in a bun / certain masks around Pulcinella / Giulia, which tells a nod, / enchanted. And Rosaura ricciutella / team Arlecchino, straight, with mella / sott'il arm and face the dog / his black grit. / Rose, Columbine / [...] laughs. "
Titus Brown finally sees the masks forgotten in a dark place among the things that no longer serve for nothing, " in the den of unnecessary junk, and between Captain Spaventa / che si addormenta / per non fare il gradasso / e Arlecchino avvizzito / che basisce di fame / e la magra donzella Colombina / che non trovò marito, / Pantalone si esercita sul contrabbasso. / / Una vita da cani! Senza maschera, / son tutti in maschera! ».


"Arlecchino pitocco" di Corrado Govoni, in "Poesie 1903-1958", Mondadori, Milano 2000.
"Arlecchino mio buon principe" di Raffaele Carrieri, in "Stellacuore", Mondadori, Milano 1970.
"Il vestito di Arlecchino" di Gianni Rodari, in "Filastrocche in cielo e in terra", Einaudi, Torino 1960.
"Il sangue di Arlecchino" di Roberto Mussapi, in "Poesie", I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro, Porretta Terme 1993.
"Pulcinella" di Remigio Zena, in "Tutte le poesie", Cappelli, Bologna 1974.
"Epistola di Pulcinella a Colombina" di Marco Lessona, in "Poesie", S.E.L.P., Torino 1930.
"Luna crescente" di Gian Pietro Lucini, in "I monologhi di Pierrot", Lampi di Stampa, Milano 2003.
"Giovedì grasso" di Olindo Guerrini, in "Le Rime di Lorenzo Stecchetti", Zanichelli, Bologna 1903.
"Plenilunio" di Gustavo Botta, in "Alcuni scritti", Ariel, Milan 1952.
"Too many masks" of Titus Brown, in "poetry anthology", Drive, Naples 1974.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

To Kill A Mockingbird Slang

In memory of "Shoah"

January 27, 1945, at approximately 15: The Red Army entered the death camp of Auschwitz being aware of rejection vilest that ever occurred in human history, killing or of millions of human beings by the Nazi-Fascism, which occurred mainly in camps such as Auschwitz during the years of World War II and is now better known as "Shoah". These human beings were slaughtered by ruthless hard to tell the blame, depending on the delusional thoughts of the dictator German Adolf Hitler and his stupid followers to be Jews, accurately, that belonged to that race that, according to the crazy Nazi, was lower than all'ariana, chosen race to which belonged many of those who had readily identifiable physical and physiognomic (eg blue eyes and blond hair), first of all non-Jewish Germans. The whole day, sixty-sixth anniversary of that fateful day, is the "memory", established by a law since 2000, wants to be a useful way to remember is unfortunate that time and to try to give (if possible) an explanation for terrible things that happened, both to remember and honor the many victims of the extermination Hebrew, giving voice to those who survived the Holocaust. The Holocaust has been told in various literary works and in many films, I would like here to report a book and a film that I think are among the best things ever published on the subject. The book is If This Is a Man by Primo Levi: a novel (written in late 1945 and early 1947) in which the author describes his experience of imprisonment in Auschwitz, where he was locked up the seals from 1943 liberation by the Soviet army. It is one of the most credible direct evidence on the subject of the extermination of the Jews. The film Schindler's list, but is by American Steven Spielberg is perhaps needless to say (because it will surely have already seen many) that this is a film special, probably unique, the best ever created on the Holocaust. For those who do not know the film focuses on the figure of Oskar Schindler, German businessman and wealthy entrepreneur in the period of the deportations and massacres of Jewish heroic behavior was looking for (and sometimes succeeding) to save from certain death, thousands of Jews.
conclusion here is a dramatic and angry poetry that precedes the beginning of the novel cited by Primo Levi, and finally a scene from Spielberg's film is from youtube.

Voi che vivete sicuri
Nelle vostre tiepide case,
Voi che trovate tornando a sera
Il cibo caldo e visi amici:
Considerate se questo è un uomo
Che lavora nel fango
Che non conosce pace
Che lotta per mezzo pane
Che muore per un sì o per un no.
Considerate se questa è una donna,
Senza capelli e senza nome
Senza più forza di ricordare
Vuoti gli occhi e freddo il grembo
Come una rana d'inverno.
forget that this was:
Remember these words.
Engrave in your heart
When at home because,
bed, rising;
Repeat them to your children.
O there undone the house,
illness impede you, May your children
twist their faces from you.

(Primo Levi)

Fleetwood Travel Trailer Manuals

A memory of Luigi Tenco

Sanremo, January 27, 1967, at 2:30, on the floor of a room at Hotel Savoy, you identify the dead body the songwriter Luigi Tenco. On further analysis it was determined that that Tenco, deeply depressed due to the exclusion of his song: Hello love, hello , by the end of the famous song festival which takes place in the Ligurian city, committed suicide by firing a gunshot wound to the right temple . Everything that happened afterwards: the doubts arose on the certainty of suicide in an inappropriate manner in which the music festival went on that year, the search for reasons why Tenco had made a similar gesture to the other chatter is not in treat my intent in this post. I would instead emphasize the importance of song writing in Italian and not only that Louis had Tenco, uno dei cantautori più geniali, che ha contribuito, insieme a Fabrizio De Andrè e a pochi altri, al rinnovamento sostanziale della canzone italiana, impaludata in vecchi schemi ormai logori. L'innovazione compiuta da Tenco è rivoluzionaria in particolar modo per quel che concerne i testi delle sue canzoni di cui spessissimo era autore così come delle musiche. Originalissime ancora oggi sono le parole che il cantautore seppe inventare parlando d'amore, di temi d'attualità o di protesta sociale. Una delle prime canzoni che hanno dato una svolta vera e propria al modo di fare musica pop in Italia è stata Cara maestra , questo brano del 1962, che venne incredibilmente censurato, era un atto d'accusa nei confronti dell'incoerenza which then revealed itself both in schooling, both in religious sermons, and even political rallies, and the surprising thing is the sharp advance which Tenco was able to perceive these behaviors hypocrites already in those years, but if we think of today's times, it is clear that nothing has changed, indeed, if anything, the attitudes of some ill-concealed deceit increased at the climax. Here is the text of mistress Cara (words and music by Luigi Tenco) and a video of the song from youtube.

Dear teacher, taught me one day

that in this world we
we are all equal.
But when he entered the class director
you were you doing up all standing,
and when the janitor came into the class
we afford to stay seated.
My good care,
you said that the church
is the home of the poor,
of the poor.
But you covered your church
curtains of gold and colored marbles:
now how can a poor man who enters
feel like at home?
Dear Mayor
they told me that one day
you shout to the people
"win or die."
Now I know why
not have won, but you're not dead,
for you and so many people died
who wanted neither to win or die?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Making Yogurt With Worms


E 'was the news of the weekend, confirmed Cuffaro guilty in Cassation.

now takes the morale e il sistema moderno, partiamo dal presupposto che ci sono persone che di mafia sono morte e oggi?
Oggi invece va di moda, tutti a dire com'è stato bravo Cuffaro, rispetta la legge e rispetta la sentenza al punto di andare a costituirsi.

Ma dai, addirittura adesso ci fa pure pena, per favore!!!!! Sono nauseato da questo sistema da paese delle banane.

Io sono contento e anzi, mi aspetto la fine degli altri processi in carico a Cuffaro senza mai dimenticare l'attacco televisivo lanciato a Falcone nel famoso Show di Costanzo, senza vergogna si era permesso di attaccare uno dei migliori uomini dello stato,


Il vero problema sapete quale sarà? Riuscire a tenercelo inside the prison because I fear that in a few days if they return home. W


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sample Of Letter For Disconnection Of Phone Line

The country goes to prison of shame

Dario Campolo

Economics blocked reforms without
this crisis and strong,
garbage again appeared in Palermo and Naples ,
health without a penny,
unemployment growing fearful,
police without money (... safety ALLOY ....), and
bunga bunga everywhere ...
and more but allows you to avoid the nauseating list.

President Berlusconi invece che fa? Attacca i giudici,
ci segnala con messaggi video registrati (come ai tempi del fascismo che parlavano al popolo dai megafoni con la filodiffusione ), ci dice che i giudici lo spiano e che lo potranno fare con tutti noi e io gli rispondo:"chi se ne frega", non ho nulla da nascondere IO, e poi Berlusconi dovrebbe sapere che il compito dei giudici è proprio quello indagare e punire chi commette il reato.

Concludo ricordandovi ciò che disse la moglie Veronica Lario quando lo lasciò:
"La strada del mio matrimonio è segnata. Non posso stare con un uomo che attended the minors. I close the curtain on my married life. I and my children are victims, not accomplices in this situation (...) Figures of girls who offer the dragon. Someone wrote that this is in support of the emperor fun. I agree. What emerges from the newspapers is a shameless trash (...) I tried to help ... I pleaded with people who are near to do the same as you would with a person who is ill "...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cant Remove My Earing

History repeats itself? Dinner

Dario Campolo

Here we are again after a long pause.
Today I did not want to dwell in the usual issues related to the usually verbose and cloying Re silvio but I want to cite an ancient writing that is repeated over the centuries, but I sincerely hope that the arrival time of the exception.

In these evenings reading some books I came across an article by Judge Scarpinato that tells the story of Barabbas and Jesus, as I lit up, I thought that is true and what our civilization is cyclical and so I thought I remember it well in my blog very quickly in the hope of breaking this cyclicality.

"As you all know Jesus, before being executed, had a last attempt at salvation when next to him at the table of the defendants is a blunt man named Barabbas at that time was in prison for an uprising in the city and for murder .

In Pilate's famous question: "Who do you want free, I find no guilt that he (Jesus) or the robber Barabbas?", The crowd cheering loudly to release Barabbas and crucified Jesus. "

Friday, January 14, 2011

Histroy Of Basketball Outline

magic Prague "Harlequin sen"

Arlecchino in Prag

Press Release:

Recent works at Gallery shore
coast and four
Prague 1 - Czech Republic

17 February - 13 March 2011
Arlecchino immediately enchants us, he capturees our looks whit his coloured patches and, above all, with his mask.
 Diodati covers up one of his figure's face, making us accomplices of a mysterious and sometimes erotic game. There is erotism in women who appear close to Arlecchino.
 There is erotism in their way to appear so sure and intentionally provocative toward a person we don't know who it is, if a man or a woman, a friend or a lover.
The simply way in which women live with this coloured figure make us think about it. A deeper, more provoking reflection makes us wonder if there is just the paiter behind that mask... Is it Diodati, who wants to appear in his artistic world, even if hidden? His spell is in holding in a mask the segret of a more and more innovative painting, of an art which pierces us, which allows us to pretend, which is what we like most... to be ourselves behind that mask, to be able to live in the infinite and sparkling places of art. .

Title : “Harlequin sen”
Center : Galerie BREHOVA - Brehová, 4  Praha 1 - Czech Republic  
Telephone :  +420 222 311 060
Period : 17 February - 13 March 2011
Vernissage : Thursday 17 February  18,30

web :
e-mail :

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Do Drag Queens Tuck Their Junk

"Harlequin Geschichten"

Lucio Diodati in Germany

Press   releas

32 recent works
at  TREFFPUNKT-KUNST in Heidelberg - Germany
06/26 March 2011

The human landscapes of Lucio Diodati reveal the deep roots of  artistic trends that had occurred in 
the first half of the last century. However, it is not easy to categorise this artist precisely, even if this 
might be achieved through a personal synthesis of some readings.
Protagonist are the colours performed by nameless women. Everything is surrounded by a spaceless 
and timeless light, which doesn 't belong  to a real place, but still familiar.
The one who observes, from the lion tamer to the web surfer, will find in this light the right mood to 
interpreter a mouldable and not totally absolute message.
You can see whatever you wantin Lucio Diodati 's works.
One of the undeniable fact: you always feel the taste of life. The taste of life in all its colours.

Title : "Harlequin Geschichten"
Center : TREFFPUNKT-KUNST - Kleingemünder Straße 3, Heidelberg - Germany 
Telephone :  06221 8932138
Period : 06/26 March 2011
Vernissage : Sunday 6 March

web :    
e-mail :