Thursday, January 27, 2011

To Kill A Mockingbird Slang

In memory of "Shoah"

January 27, 1945, at approximately 15: The Red Army entered the death camp of Auschwitz being aware of rejection vilest that ever occurred in human history, killing or of millions of human beings by the Nazi-Fascism, which occurred mainly in camps such as Auschwitz during the years of World War II and is now better known as "Shoah". These human beings were slaughtered by ruthless hard to tell the blame, depending on the delusional thoughts of the dictator German Adolf Hitler and his stupid followers to be Jews, accurately, that belonged to that race that, according to the crazy Nazi, was lower than all'ariana, chosen race to which belonged many of those who had readily identifiable physical and physiognomic (eg blue eyes and blond hair), first of all non-Jewish Germans. The whole day, sixty-sixth anniversary of that fateful day, is the "memory", established by a law since 2000, wants to be a useful way to remember is unfortunate that time and to try to give (if possible) an explanation for terrible things that happened, both to remember and honor the many victims of the extermination Hebrew, giving voice to those who survived the Holocaust. The Holocaust has been told in various literary works and in many films, I would like here to report a book and a film that I think are among the best things ever published on the subject. The book is If This Is a Man by Primo Levi: a novel (written in late 1945 and early 1947) in which the author describes his experience of imprisonment in Auschwitz, where he was locked up the seals from 1943 liberation by the Soviet army. It is one of the most credible direct evidence on the subject of the extermination of the Jews. The film Schindler's list, but is by American Steven Spielberg is perhaps needless to say (because it will surely have already seen many) that this is a film special, probably unique, the best ever created on the Holocaust. For those who do not know the film focuses on the figure of Oskar Schindler, German businessman and wealthy entrepreneur in the period of the deportations and massacres of Jewish heroic behavior was looking for (and sometimes succeeding) to save from certain death, thousands of Jews.
conclusion here is a dramatic and angry poetry that precedes the beginning of the novel cited by Primo Levi, and finally a scene from Spielberg's film is from youtube.

Voi che vivete sicuri
Nelle vostre tiepide case,
Voi che trovate tornando a sera
Il cibo caldo e visi amici:
Considerate se questo è un uomo
Che lavora nel fango
Che non conosce pace
Che lotta per mezzo pane
Che muore per un sì o per un no.
Considerate se questa è una donna,
Senza capelli e senza nome
Senza più forza di ricordare
Vuoti gli occhi e freddo il grembo
Come una rana d'inverno.
forget that this was:
Remember these words.
Engrave in your heart
When at home because,
bed, rising;
Repeat them to your children.
O there undone the house,
illness impede you, May your children
twist their faces from you.

(Primo Levi)


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