Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Do Drag Queens Tuck Their Junk

"Harlequin Geschichten"

Lucio Diodati in Germany

Press   releas

32 recent works
at  TREFFPUNKT-KUNST in Heidelberg - Germany
06/26 March 2011

The human landscapes of Lucio Diodati reveal the deep roots of  artistic trends that had occurred in 
the first half of the last century. However, it is not easy to categorise this artist precisely, even if this 
might be achieved through a personal synthesis of some readings.
Protagonist are the colours performed by nameless women. Everything is surrounded by a spaceless 
and timeless light, which doesn 't belong  to a real place, but still familiar.
The one who observes, from the lion tamer to the web surfer, will find in this light the right mood to 
interpreter a mouldable and not totally absolute message.
You can see whatever you wantin Lucio Diodati 's works.
One of the undeniable fact: you always feel the taste of life. The taste of life in all its colours.

Title : "Harlequin Geschichten"
Center : TREFFPUNKT-KUNST - Kleingemünder Straße 3, Heidelberg - Germany 
Telephone :  06221 8932138
Period : 06/26 March 2011
Vernissage : Sunday 6 March

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