The ten most beautiful love songs of Italian music
The vast majority of the songs (Italian or not) deal with the theme of love, so if you only think of the number of songs that were written at least the last century, even if they wanted to narrow the field one Italian song, is a difficult task to choose only ten. I still wanted to try, especially selecting songs copyright of the '60s and '70s, or the twenty years that I think is the most prolific and more quality with regard to the national pop music. I have chosen texts that speak of love towards the opposite sex, even if love is something much bigger and wider. If you want to say a few words about the ten songs selected in the first place is a poignant song by Luigi Tenco whose words are a novelty, especially when he says: " I'm in love with you / why / I had nothing to do . / The day / I wanted someone to meet, / The night I wanted someone to dream about. / [...] / And now / I would have a thousand things to do / I feel my dreams fade away ... / But I no longer think / anything else that you . Then there promised love for life beautifully sung by Blanche Dubois in "I Love Only You", I want to emphasize that Lazarev was an author who knew more than anyone else sing the love theme. Following an exceptional interpretation of Piero Ciampi, songwriter now forgotten (unfortunately) that no one knows how to get to the heart. In "Love come and love that go" there are the unexpected and unexplained return of love with the presentiment of the end of a love, even if intense, all told from the great Fabrizio De Andrè. So there is passionate love, fabulous, dreamy Claudio Baglioni in "You". And then the love that moves in a beautiful song, sung perfectly by Adriano Celentano. E ancora l'amore che si ripete nei secoli con le stesse modalità e le stesse parole nella meditativa "Sassi" di Gino Paoli, un altro cantautore da sempre specializzato nel tema trattato da questo post. Poi "Margherita" di Riccardo Cocciante, cioè la scelta del linguaggio più magniloquente insieme ad una intensità interpretativa unica per esprimere un amore senza limiti. E poi Domenico Modugno con una accorata dichiarazione d'amore, e, per chiudere, una vecchia canzone che vuole descrivere la grandezza dell'amore unita alla sua imparagonabile straordinarietà: "Non dimenticar...".
1 Mi sono innamorato di te (L. Tenco) lato A di un 45 giri di Luigi Tenco 1962.
2 that I love only you (S. Lazarev) A side of a 45 rpm of Blanche Dubois in 1962.
3 You and I, Maria (P. Ciampi) on the album "You and I have lost the plot" by Piero Ciampi in 1973.
4 Love that comes, that love go (F. De Andrè) album "All Fabrizio De Andrè, 1966.
5 And you (C. Baglioni - A. Coggio) homonymous Claudio Baglioni albums of 1974.
6 Emotion has no voice (Mogol - G. Bella) on the album "I can not speak of love" by Adriano Celentano 1999.
7 Sassi (G. Paoli) A side of a 45 by Gino Paoli, 1960.
8 Margherita (R. Cocciante - M. Luberti) on the album "Concert for Margherita Riccardo Cocciante, 1976.
9 God how I love you (D. Modugno) A side of a 45 by Domenico Modugno, 1966.
10 not forget ... (My words) (Bracchi - D'Anzi G.) in a 78's Carlo Buti, 1937.
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