The Taviani brothers' film 70s
If you go to carefully consider the filmography of Paolo and Vittorio Taviani should be quite clear that the decade of "higher" of the two Italian filmmakers is that which corresponds to the seventies, in this decade In fact four films have come out very beautiful and very busy dealing with important issues as well as hot today, that of the ideal political depths that some people have followed up the ultimate sacrifice, the "pater familias" which, in specific territorial areas of our country, often exercised his tyranny towards his wife and children in particular, who could not take any decision and were forced to do whatever he had decided for them the "Padre Padrone", otherwise the moral and material abuse and finally the theme of youthful malaise that usually involved a bit 'all generations and the Taviani deal with regard to the youth of the seventies. All these themes are present in St. Michael had a rooster (1971), Allonsanfan (1975), Padre padrone (1977) and The lawn (1979), precisely the political issues concerning the first two films cited they see as two players grandi attori: Giulio Brogi e Marcello Mastroianni, senza i quali forse l'ottimo risultato di entrambi i lungometraggi non sarebbe mai arrivato. Sebbene le due pellicole raccontino storie ambientate nell'Ottocento, molti critici parlarono di espliciti riferimenti ai tempi recenti, in particolare agli "anni di piombo". Padre padrone è invece ispirato al romanzo omonimo di Gavino Ledda e, in toni fortemente realistici, racconta la difficile vita dello scrittore sardo dall'infanzia alla gioventù, ossia fino al momento in cui, grazie ad una forza di volontà non indifferente e ad una perseveranza eccezionale negli studi che gli permise di laurearsi ed affermarsi al di fuori della sua regione, riuscì a svincolarsi dall'oppressiva dull wing and paternal great here is the interpretation of the actor who plays the protagonist Saverio Marconi, the writer is of his father in whose shoes we have Homer Antonutti. The lawn is the film dealing with the problems of young people and specifically to those who had in his early twenties in the post sessantottino. The lawn saw the first film as lead actress Isabella Rossellini, along with the beautiful actress is again present both Saverio Marconi, boy who just finished his studies, to produce professional looking for passionate and emotionally, and Giulio Brogi boy's father, not a secondary role plays a young Michele Placido.
Two words again for the excellent music that are the soundtrack to all these films, many of which carry the prestigious firm of Ennio Morricone, although in some cases, the Taviani brothers have drawn from classical and popular Italian song. I conclude with the video of the final scene of Allonsanfan : beautiful though tragic.
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