The perennial hope of Pedro Pedreiro
is still a very current song by Chico Buarque de Hollanda dating back to 1966: Lose Pedreiro , the text speaks of a man who then would have been called "proletarian" or a person belonging to a very low social class, a penniless that always the problem of how to make a living and spends a lifetime waiting for a change, something that would drastically change his life better, perhaps a pay rise or, at best, a lottery win. De Chico Buarque's song was sung in Italian by Roger Whittaker in 1967, the title was such, as the text on the other hand, redesigned by Giorgio Calabrese and the same Jannacci. Here is the first part:
Pedreiro Pedro is waiting for the tram and thoughtful, maybe tomorrow
will have to wait for the good of those who are good and who is penniless
Pedro Pedreiro remains pensive
and thinking time goes
people lags behind
waiting waiting waiting
aspettando il sole, aspettando il tram,
aspettando l'aumento dell'anno passato
per il mese che viene.
Come è facile notare dalle parole della canzone che si ripetono con insistenza, l'aspettativa di Pedro è destinata a durare tutta la vita. Più avanti, parlando sempre delle aspettative di Pedro, il testo dice: « Pedro Pedreiro aspetta il carnevale / e la fortuna grossa col biglietto della lotteria / tutti i mesi »;qui mi pare si chiarifichi il vero sogno del protagonista, una improvvisa (e molto improbabile) vincita di una somma in denaro che porti un migliorameno decisivo nella grama vita di Pedro e lo renda finalmente felice, convinced that it is in the disproportionate share money (and only that) lies happiness. It seems to me that today, compared to the year in which this song came out, the time is not changed at all, indeed, around the city you can meet a lot of "Pedro" (at least in Italy) who continue to hope for a huge win the lottery or some other stupid lottery, and almost always this expectation, if not all, lasts a lifetime. But we continue reading the text:
Pedro Pedreiro also expected the death
or the day of return to the north
Pedro does not know but maybe, maybe at the end
aspetta qualcosa più bella del mondo
più grande del mar.
Ma perchè sognar se dà
la disperazione di aspettare ancora.
Pedro Pedreiro vuol tornare indietro,
esser solo muratore
senza aspettar,
aspettare aspettare aspettare,
aspettare il sole, aspettare il tram,
aspettare ancora quel famoso aumento,
aspettare un figlio che dovrà aspettare,
aspettare il premio della lotteria
aspettare la morte
aspettare un port
expect to wait no longer,
wait at the bottom
nothing but
hope afflicted infinite exhausted
it gets its trams.
He said a very famous Italian character that, sooner or later in the life of every human being has a 'chance, a passing train, and which must be taken on the fly, because maybe it will not ever again, but this train for Pedro has not gone and will never go away, so will spend his life in constant expectation of something that over time will become nearly indefinable, if Pedro has a son, he too will the fate of his father and so on for generations and generations that will be cut off from any possibility of wealth because of the few holders of power and money selfishly excluded always exclude whole classes and social well-being and the opportunity to improve their lives. The excluded will not stay that groped endlessly to get what they have the lucky few with very few means at their disposal and with negligible chance of success, thus remaining at the stake for eternity.
Carried to finish the video for the song "Pedro Pedreiro.
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