"Voices in Time", a poetic film of Franco Piavoli
"Voices in Time" is the title of the third feature Piavoli Franco, director in little more than twenty years has just turned four films, all very beautiful and very special. This, released in 1996, I believe that is the best. The genus is impossible to tell, is a film of poetic images, of human feelings, to seasonal events, the protagonist is human time, from childhood to youth, from adulthood to old age. The section devoted to children is the best: the sound of bells, the tenderness of a kitten, the boy climbs the stairs on all fours, the other child who speaks to the figures drawn on the wall, rhymes memorized, are all images very original and impressions e di alta poesia. Bella anche la descrizione dell'adolescenza con le corse dei ragazzi lungo le acque di un torrente e poi la sequenza più mistica del film, in cui si ode un lontano suono di campane sulle immagini di alcuni alberi in fiore sovrastati da un campanile di un santuario posto in cima ad un'erta; si notano dei ragazzi correre verso il santuario, arrivati, questi entrano nell'edificio e nel silenzio rotto soltanto da canti religiosi, rimangono attoniti con lo sguardo perso, immersi in un'atmosfera ultraterrena. Con il periodo della giovinezza si conclude la prima parte del film. La seconda parte inizia a descrivere l'età adulta; l'occasione è data da un matrimonio che si svolge in un paesino di campagna durante la stagione estiva; qui c'è Another of the highlights of the film: after the wedding dinner guests some wonderful singing a popular song: the Castelo de Mirabel , close up you see the guests dreaming with faces, hear the sweet song with transport, then c ' is the ballroom scene, very tender and delicate, in which the elderly couples dance accompanied by a very gentle melody. The film then continues with a section on old age in one of the most beautiful sequences, there are some old men sitting outdoors enjoying a mild autumn sun, while we hear from one of the windows of adjacent houses, a female voice that engages in some accompanied by a piano virtuoso. And we are now in autumn than in the film symbolizes also the sunset of life, piles of fallen leaves on the ground fly away from the wind drag while two old men look wistfully from a bridge, the water of a river flowing, all under a gray sky. This is followed by images of people increasingly are getting older and, if at the beginning of the film was a baby coming up the stairs now, with the same slow pace and with an immense effort, stairs an old salt. It's the end of life, the elderly, once entered the house, he lies in bed exhausted and looking at a table clock that beats relentlessly ticking with his time, then the pass before the eyes are some pictures: an old white photography and depicts a black woman, probably la moglie che non c'è più; un uomo ripreso di spalle che osserva le acque di un fiume mentre scorrono via (rappresentano probabilmente le generazioni che si succedono). L'anziano ora ha gli occhi chiusi, s'intravede un barcaiolo che, remando, attraversa un fiume (ovvero la vita) in un'atmosfera grigia, nebbiosa, la barca si allontana sempre di più, fin quasi a scomparire. Ma non finisce qui il film di Piavoli, la parte finale mostra dei bambini che, in una soleggiata giornata invernale si divertono a giocare sulla neve e sul ghiaccio. L'ultima immagine ritrae un vecchio ed un bambino ripresi di spalle, che, dopo aver attraversato un ghiacciaio, si fermano a guardare l'orizzonte mentre si odono le note del famoso Canone in King Johann Pachelbel.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Why I Feel Wet Before My Period
The ten most beautiful songs taken from the movie soundtracks of all time
Hard percentualizzare the importance of a good soundtrack to determine the success of a film, beyond this dilemma, I believe that a film that also makes use of beautiful music they buy in value anyway. In selecting ten musical compositions for film, I pleasantly discovered that the Italians in this specific field are very honored, especially that there are two names on everyone: Ennio Morricone and Nino Rota, actual genes that may well be treated to great musicians of the history of classical music of all time. Morricone I have chosen two masterpieces: the first is an excerpt from Once Upon a Time the west, great films of Sergio Leone, where the music has a negligible importance at all, and the second is the divine, supreme, sublime Gabriel's Oboe , taken from Mission. As for Rota I could not insert an excerpt from a film by Federico Fellini, with whom the musician worked for a long tempocon excellent results, and the theme music Amarcord seems to me that touches the highest level of the collaboration of film two brilliant artists. The other piece is very well known and part of the soundtrack of The Godfather . But I will not stop the fellow countrymen and I believe we should also talk about other creative writers such as Francis soundtracks Lai, who created the piece for piano moving in the scene of major Love story. American composer Alex North, author of a memorable melody that you can listen Bond film Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? . The Frenchman Maurice Jarre, who wrote the most beautiful soundtracks of many films of director David Lean (Doctor Zhivago all). American John Williams who was able to invent a unique and poignant melody that accompanies the most dramatic scenes of Schindler's List . Another American, Henry Mancini, author of Moon river , mellow song that is heard in the film Breakfast at Tiffany . Finally the great Charlie Chaplin who was also a musical genius, as evidenced by its fantastic soundtrack that is part of the film Limelight . Below is the list (in chronological order) of the ten songs and films to which they belong, and then a video that contains both images and the theme music for the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf."
"Theme from Limelight" (Chaplin), in "Limelight" (1952).
"Moon River" (H. Mancini - J. Mercer), in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961).
"Lara's Theme" (M. Jarre - PF Webster), in "Doctor Zhivago" (1965).
"Theme from Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" (A. North), in "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" (1966).
"C'era una volta il west" (E. Morricone), in "C'era una volta il west" (1969).
"Theme from Love story" (F. Lai), in "Love story" (1970).
"Theme from Godfather" (N. Rota), in "The Godfather" (1972).
"Amarcord" (N. Rota), in "Amarcord" (1974).
"Gabriel's oboe" (E. Morricone), in "The Mission" (1986).
"Theme from Schindler's list", in "Schindler's list" (1993).
Hard percentualizzare the importance of a good soundtrack to determine the success of a film, beyond this dilemma, I believe that a film that also makes use of beautiful music they buy in value anyway. In selecting ten musical compositions for film, I pleasantly discovered that the Italians in this specific field are very honored, especially that there are two names on everyone: Ennio Morricone and Nino Rota, actual genes that may well be treated to great musicians of the history of classical music of all time. Morricone I have chosen two masterpieces: the first is an excerpt from Once Upon a Time the west, great films of Sergio Leone, where the music has a negligible importance at all, and the second is the divine, supreme, sublime Gabriel's Oboe , taken from Mission. As for Rota I could not insert an excerpt from a film by Federico Fellini, with whom the musician worked for a long tempocon excellent results, and the theme music Amarcord seems to me that touches the highest level of the collaboration of film two brilliant artists. The other piece is very well known and part of the soundtrack of The Godfather . But I will not stop the fellow countrymen and I believe we should also talk about other creative writers such as Francis soundtracks Lai, who created the piece for piano moving in the scene of major Love story. American composer Alex North, author of a memorable melody that you can listen Bond film Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? . The Frenchman Maurice Jarre, who wrote the most beautiful soundtracks of many films of director David Lean (Doctor Zhivago all). American John Williams who was able to invent a unique and poignant melody that accompanies the most dramatic scenes of Schindler's List . Another American, Henry Mancini, author of Moon river , mellow song that is heard in the film Breakfast at Tiffany . Finally the great Charlie Chaplin who was also a musical genius, as evidenced by its fantastic soundtrack that is part of the film Limelight . Below is the list (in chronological order) of the ten songs and films to which they belong, and then a video that contains both images and the theme music for the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf."
"Theme from Limelight" (Chaplin), in "Limelight" (1952).
"Moon River" (H. Mancini - J. Mercer), in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961).
"Lara's Theme" (M. Jarre - PF Webster), in "Doctor Zhivago" (1965).
"Theme from Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" (A. North), in "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" (1966).
"C'era una volta il west" (E. Morricone), in "C'era una volta il west" (1969).
"Theme from Love story" (F. Lai), in "Love story" (1970).
"Theme from Godfather" (N. Rota), in "The Godfather" (1972).
"Amarcord" (N. Rota), in "Amarcord" (1974).
"Gabriel's oboe" (E. Morricone), in "The Mission" (1986).
"Theme from Schindler's list", in "Schindler's list" (1993).
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What Does M.i.l.f Mean
Verses twilight of Charles Vallini
La recente ristampa delle poesie di Carlo Vallini in un libro intitolato: Un giorno e La rinunzia , a cura di Mirko Bevilacqua, San Marco dei Giustiniani, Genova 2010, mi dà l'occasione per parlare di questo particolarissimo poeta crepuscolare, autore di due esili volumi poetici, i cui titoli sono riassunti nel libro sopra citato, che furono pubblicati nel medesimo anno, ovvero nel 1907. Da allora all'anno della sua morte, Vallini tacque, pubblicando soltanto pochissimi versi in qualche sparuta rivista. Carlo Vallini, pur essendo milanese di nascita, appartiene a quello che fu definito "gruppo crepuscolare torinese" in quanto assiduo frequentatore, nell'università di Torino, Lessons given by the authoritative poet Arturo Graf, undisputed master of the first ever for many twentieth-century Italian poets. In Turin, during the period of study, Vallini met, among others, some poets who were later known as Guido Gozzano twilight, and Giulio Carlo Chiaves Gianelli. For the uninitiated, the crepuscular was characterized by a current poetic melancholy and resigned tone, among the greatest exponents, in addition to the poets already mentioned, one can cite Sergio Corazzini, Corrado Govoni, Marino Moretti, Fausto Maria Martini and Aldo Palazzeschi. Now, if you want to speak briefly of two slender books of poetry of Vallini, one can say with certainty that "resignation" is a book that much s'ispira alla lirica dannunziana, ma questo non toglie che vi siano alcuni pregevoli versi come questi: « Anima china su te stessa, ascolta: / l'albero della vita, forse, tutto / grave di doni verso te s'abbassa: / / e tu non gioirai anche una volta / del sapore fuggevole d'un frutto, / dell'ombra della nuvola che passa? ». Appartengono ad uno dei sei Sonetti della casa , composizioni che descrivono il ritorno del poeta nella vecchia dimora del nonno con le conseguenti meditazioni in cui si avverte una vaga tristezza, come spesso capita nei versi dei poeti crepuscolari. Qualche buon verso lo si ritrova anche in La donna del parco che a tratti presenta chiari riferimenti alla poesia decadente and the symbol ' The dream is sacred and here ripercote / softness of fabric between the pale / maybe too sudden and too strong / sound this flurry of notes. / / I want a slow ground, where predominant / the high note of tears, but with a power / I m'assorba and constraints. "
"Someday" is a poem that is completely different than "The resignation" in the second volume of verse Vallini decrease very fact tones prevail D'Annunzio and the mystical element, especially that of Buddhism, together with a deep and bitter irony ( The irony is not by chance that the title of one of the chapters of the poem.) This is certainly to be considered the best work of the poet twilight, which reaches its best moments when he manages to make us think and to meditate without ideals of any kind and very frank about the meaning of human existence. Here, in this regard, some lines that are part of the crowd :
... But behind that
steep summit
felt very distant species
feared, the human species
like me:
the kind of men who
nothing strange to live;
one that was favored by our mother Nature
with more rare privilege, but are asked to
not to make a bad impression, because of the large
the only species che crede
ben fatto il coprirsi di panni;
la specie che avrà disinganni
finchè vorrà avere una fede,
la specie gravata dal cupo
retaggio d'un odio mai domo,
la specie maligna dell'uomo
che all'uomo sarà sempre lupo,
la specie infinita che figlia
in modo vertiginoso,
che figlia senza riposo
al pari d'una coniglia,
che germina, alligna, rampolla
ovunque possa trovare
un posto: e che forma quel mare
vivente detto la folla.
Alcune poesie di Carlo Vallini sono state incluse in prestigiose antologie sulla poesia italiana del Novecento, ne ricordo due: Poesia italiana del Novecento a cura di Edoardo Sanguineti, Einaudi, Torino 1969 e Antologia della poesia italiana, vol. III - Ottocento e Novecento a cura di Cesare Segre e di Carlo Ossola, Hoepli, Milano 1999. Prima dell'edizione citata all'inizio di questo post, l'intera opera poetica di Vallini era stata raccolta e pubblicata da Edoardo Sanguineti nel volume Un giorno e altre poesie , Einaudi, Torino 1967; qui si può leggere l'interessante prefazione dello stesso Sanguineti. Da segnalare anche il saggio sul poeta milanese scritto da Giuseppe Farinelli nel suo libro Vent'anni o poco più , Otto/Novecento, Milano 1998.
La recente ristampa delle poesie di Carlo Vallini in un libro intitolato: Un giorno e La rinunzia , a cura di Mirko Bevilacqua, San Marco dei Giustiniani, Genova 2010, mi dà l'occasione per parlare di questo particolarissimo poeta crepuscolare, autore di due esili volumi poetici, i cui titoli sono riassunti nel libro sopra citato, che furono pubblicati nel medesimo anno, ovvero nel 1907. Da allora all'anno della sua morte, Vallini tacque, pubblicando soltanto pochissimi versi in qualche sparuta rivista. Carlo Vallini, pur essendo milanese di nascita, appartiene a quello che fu definito "gruppo crepuscolare torinese" in quanto assiduo frequentatore, nell'università di Torino, Lessons given by the authoritative poet Arturo Graf, undisputed master of the first ever for many twentieth-century Italian poets. In Turin, during the period of study, Vallini met, among others, some poets who were later known as Guido Gozzano twilight, and Giulio Carlo Chiaves Gianelli. For the uninitiated, the crepuscular was characterized by a current poetic melancholy and resigned tone, among the greatest exponents, in addition to the poets already mentioned, one can cite Sergio Corazzini, Corrado Govoni, Marino Moretti, Fausto Maria Martini and Aldo Palazzeschi. Now, if you want to speak briefly of two slender books of poetry of Vallini, one can say with certainty that "resignation" is a book that much s'ispira alla lirica dannunziana, ma questo non toglie che vi siano alcuni pregevoli versi come questi: « Anima china su te stessa, ascolta: / l'albero della vita, forse, tutto / grave di doni verso te s'abbassa: / / e tu non gioirai anche una volta / del sapore fuggevole d'un frutto, / dell'ombra della nuvola che passa? ». Appartengono ad uno dei sei Sonetti della casa , composizioni che descrivono il ritorno del poeta nella vecchia dimora del nonno con le conseguenti meditazioni in cui si avverte una vaga tristezza, come spesso capita nei versi dei poeti crepuscolari. Qualche buon verso lo si ritrova anche in La donna del parco che a tratti presenta chiari riferimenti alla poesia decadente and the symbol ' The dream is sacred and here ripercote / softness of fabric between the pale / maybe too sudden and too strong / sound this flurry of notes. / / I want a slow ground, where predominant / the high note of tears, but with a power / I m'assorba and constraints. "
"Someday" is a poem that is completely different than "The resignation" in the second volume of verse Vallini decrease very fact tones prevail D'Annunzio and the mystical element, especially that of Buddhism, together with a deep and bitter irony ( The irony is not by chance that the title of one of the chapters of the poem.) This is certainly to be considered the best work of the poet twilight, which reaches its best moments when he manages to make us think and to meditate without ideals of any kind and very frank about the meaning of human existence. Here, in this regard, some lines that are part of the crowd :
... But behind that
steep summit
felt very distant species
feared, the human species
like me:
the kind of men who
nothing strange to live;
one that was favored by our mother Nature
with more rare privilege, but are asked to
not to make a bad impression, because of the large
the only species che crede
ben fatto il coprirsi di panni;
la specie che avrà disinganni
finchè vorrà avere una fede,
la specie gravata dal cupo
retaggio d'un odio mai domo,
la specie maligna dell'uomo
che all'uomo sarà sempre lupo,
la specie infinita che figlia
in modo vertiginoso,
che figlia senza riposo
al pari d'una coniglia,
che germina, alligna, rampolla
ovunque possa trovare
un posto: e che forma quel mare
vivente detto la folla.
Alcune poesie di Carlo Vallini sono state incluse in prestigiose antologie sulla poesia italiana del Novecento, ne ricordo due: Poesia italiana del Novecento a cura di Edoardo Sanguineti, Einaudi, Torino 1969 e Antologia della poesia italiana, vol. III - Ottocento e Novecento a cura di Cesare Segre e di Carlo Ossola, Hoepli, Milano 1999. Prima dell'edizione citata all'inizio di questo post, l'intera opera poetica di Vallini era stata raccolta e pubblicata da Edoardo Sanguineti nel volume Un giorno e altre poesie , Einaudi, Torino 1967; qui si può leggere l'interessante prefazione dello stesso Sanguineti. Da segnalare anche il saggio sul poeta milanese scritto da Giuseppe Farinelli nel suo libro Vent'anni o poco più , Otto/Novecento, Milano 1998.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Cervix Is High And Hard, Cramping Too
The hundred best songs that have a woman's name in the title
On the feast of all women, that's one hundred popular songs that contain female names in the title. It includes music from many countries around the world, old and new, even if they are for most of song writing, especially these are the Italian singers, but some of them British, French and U.S.. After the list (with song titles and, in parentheses, the authors of the same) there is a video of "Woman" of the late John Lennon.
Agnese (Ivan Graziani)
Alessandra (Roby Facchinetti - Valerio Negrini)
Alice (Francesco De Gregori)
Angela (Luigi Tenco)
Angelina (Irving Burgie)
Angie (Keith Richards)
Anna bellanna (Paola Pallottino - Lucio Dalla)
Anna to forget (Paolo Limits - Renato Pareti)
Annie's Song (John Denver)
Balla Linda (Lucio Battisti - Mogol)
Barbara Ann (Fred Fassert)
The Song of Barbara (Fabrizio De Andrè)
La Canzone di Marinella (Fabrizio De Andrè)
Song for Laura (Roberta Flack)
Catherine (Francesco De Gregori)
Cathy (Alain Barriere)
Cecilia (Paul Simon)
Celestina (Umberto Balsamo)
Clementine (Anonymous)
Corina Corina (Mitchell Parish - Bo Chapman - J. Mayo Williams)
Creole (Louis Miaglia)
Daniela (Balducci - Mamoli)
Deborah (Paolo Conte - Vito Pallavicini)
Diana (Paul Anka)
Dominique (Jeanine Deckers)
my mother Eleanor (Roby Facchinetti - Stephen D 'Horace)
Eleonore (Barbata - Kaylan - Nichol - Pons - Volman)
Elisa Elisa (Bardotti Sergio - Sergio Lazarev)
Eloise (Paul Ryan)
Evelyne (Franco Pisano - Nini Rosso)
Farewell Angelina (Bob Dylan)
Fernande (George Brassens)
Frida (Fred Bongusto)
Futura (Lucio Dalla)
Genevieve (Mogol - Toang)
Germaine (Renaud)
Gianna (Rino Gaetano)
Giulia (Gianni Togni)
Gloria (Umberto Tozzi - Giancarlo Bigazzi)
Hello Dolly (Jerry Herman)
Maria and me (Piero Ciampi - Gianni Marchetti)
Irene (Francis De Gregori)
Isolina (Claudio Baglioni - Antonio Coggio)
Juliet (Robin Gibb)
Katyusha (Matvey Blanter - Mikail Isakovski)
Lady Jane (Mick Jagger - Keith Richards)
Lalena ( Donovan Leitch)
Laura (Guy Beart)
Lazzaro (Domenico Modugno - Riccardo Pazzaglia)
Lilly (Antonello Venditti)
Linda (Roby Facchinetti - Valerio Negrini)
Lisa (Adelmo Fornaciari - Joe Iozzo - Roby Marsella)
blue-eyed Lisa (Claudio Cavallaro - Giancarlo Bigazzi)
Liù (Paolo Morelli)
Lola (Maurizio Arcieri - Scott)
Lucia (Juan Manuel Serrat)
Lucia (Paolo Cassella - Marco Luberti - Riccardo Cocciante)
Madeleine (Jacques Brel - Gérard Jouannest - Jean Corti)
Magdalena (Juan Calderon - Jean Marie Moreau)
Margherita (Marco Luberti - Riccardo Cocciante)
Maria (Leonard Bernstein)
Maria Elena (Lorenzo Barcelata - S. K. Russell)
Marianne (Sergio Endrigo)
Marina (Rocco Granata)
Marinette (George Brassens)
Marta (Antonello Venditti)
Maruzzella (Bonagura - Renato Carosone)
Mathilde (Jaques Brel - Gerard Jouannest)
Matilda (Norman Span)
Menica Menica (Bruno Lauzi)
Michelle (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
Nathalie (Gilbert Becaud - Pierre Deanoe)
Nikita (Elton John - Bernie Taupin)
Nina (Mario Castelnuovo)
Non è Francesca (Lucio Battisti - Mogol)
Oh Carol! (Howard Greenfield - Neil Sedaka)
Oh Marilù (Claudio Baglioni - Antonio Coggio)
Ophelia (Frank Sinatra)
Patricia (Perez Prado)
Patrick (Eugenio Finardi)
For Lucia (Riccardo Fogli - Maurizio Fabrizio - Vincenzo Spampinato)
princess (Libero Bovio - Gaetano Lama)
Roberta (Luis Bacalov - Giuseppe Faiella - L. Nadell)
Rosalina (Fabio Concato)
Rosanna (Nino Buonocore)
Sally (Vasco Rossi)
Sara (Antonello Venditti)
Serenella (Mogol - Carlo Donida)
Silvia (Renzo Zenobi)
Sunny (Hebb Bob)
Susan (Caroline Bogman - Ferdi lancea - M. Foggo)
Suzanne (Leonard Cohen)
Te recuerdo Amanda (Victor Jara)
Teresa (Blanche Dubois)
To Ramona (Bob Dylan)
Vai Valentina (Sergio Bardotti - Maurizio Fabrizio - Ornella Vanoni)
Vincent and the factory (Roger Whittaker)
Viola (Luciano Beretta - A. De Luca - Miki Del Prete)
Wanda're seriously with the face ( Paolo Conte)
On the feast of all women, that's one hundred popular songs that contain female names in the title. It includes music from many countries around the world, old and new, even if they are for most of song writing, especially these are the Italian singers, but some of them British, French and U.S.. After the list (with song titles and, in parentheses, the authors of the same) there is a video of "Woman" of the late John Lennon.
Agnese (Ivan Graziani)
Alessandra (Roby Facchinetti - Valerio Negrini)
Alice (Francesco De Gregori)
Angela (Luigi Tenco)
Angelina (Irving Burgie)
Angie (Keith Richards)
Anna bellanna (Paola Pallottino - Lucio Dalla)
Anna to forget (Paolo Limits - Renato Pareti)
Annie's Song (John Denver)
Balla Linda (Lucio Battisti - Mogol)
Barbara Ann (Fred Fassert)
The Song of Barbara (Fabrizio De Andrè)
La Canzone di Marinella (Fabrizio De Andrè)
Song for Laura (Roberta Flack)
Catherine (Francesco De Gregori)
Cathy (Alain Barriere)
Cecilia (Paul Simon)
Celestina (Umberto Balsamo)
Clementine (Anonymous)
Corina Corina (Mitchell Parish - Bo Chapman - J. Mayo Williams)
Creole (Louis Miaglia)
Daniela (Balducci - Mamoli)
Deborah (Paolo Conte - Vito Pallavicini)
Diana (Paul Anka)
Dominique (Jeanine Deckers)
my mother Eleanor (Roby Facchinetti - Stephen D 'Horace)
Eleonore (Barbata - Kaylan - Nichol - Pons - Volman)
Elisa Elisa (Bardotti Sergio - Sergio Lazarev)
Eloise (Paul Ryan)
Evelyne (Franco Pisano - Nini Rosso)
Farewell Angelina (Bob Dylan)
Fernande (George Brassens)
Frida (Fred Bongusto)
Futura (Lucio Dalla)
Genevieve (Mogol - Toang)
Germaine (Renaud)
Gianna (Rino Gaetano)
Giulia (Gianni Togni)
Gloria (Umberto Tozzi - Giancarlo Bigazzi)
Hello Dolly (Jerry Herman)
Maria and me (Piero Ciampi - Gianni Marchetti)
Irene (Francis De Gregori)
Isolina (Claudio Baglioni - Antonio Coggio)
Juliet (Robin Gibb)
Katyusha (Matvey Blanter - Mikail Isakovski)
Lady Jane (Mick Jagger - Keith Richards)
Lalena ( Donovan Leitch)
Laura (Guy Beart)
Lazzaro (Domenico Modugno - Riccardo Pazzaglia)
Lilly (Antonello Venditti)
Linda (Roby Facchinetti - Valerio Negrini)
Lisa (Adelmo Fornaciari - Joe Iozzo - Roby Marsella)
blue-eyed Lisa (Claudio Cavallaro - Giancarlo Bigazzi)
Liù (Paolo Morelli)
Lola (Maurizio Arcieri - Scott)
Lucia (Juan Manuel Serrat)
Lucia (Paolo Cassella - Marco Luberti - Riccardo Cocciante)
Madeleine (Jacques Brel - Gérard Jouannest - Jean Corti)
Magdalena (Juan Calderon - Jean Marie Moreau)
Margherita (Marco Luberti - Riccardo Cocciante)
Maria (Leonard Bernstein)
Maria Elena (Lorenzo Barcelata - S. K. Russell)
Marianne (Sergio Endrigo)
Marina (Rocco Granata)
Marinette (George Brassens)
Marta (Antonello Venditti)
Maruzzella (Bonagura - Renato Carosone)
Mathilde (Jaques Brel - Gerard Jouannest)
Matilda (Norman Span)
Menica Menica (Bruno Lauzi)
Michelle (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
Nathalie (Gilbert Becaud - Pierre Deanoe)
Nikita (Elton John - Bernie Taupin)
Nina (Mario Castelnuovo)
Non è Francesca (Lucio Battisti - Mogol)
Oh Carol! (Howard Greenfield - Neil Sedaka)
Oh Marilù (Claudio Baglioni - Antonio Coggio)
Ophelia (Frank Sinatra)
Patricia (Perez Prado)
Patrick (Eugenio Finardi)
For Lucia (Riccardo Fogli - Maurizio Fabrizio - Vincenzo Spampinato)
princess (Libero Bovio - Gaetano Lama)
Roberta (Luis Bacalov - Giuseppe Faiella - L. Nadell)
Rosalina (Fabio Concato)
Rosanna (Nino Buonocore)
Sally (Vasco Rossi)
Sara (Antonello Venditti)
Serenella (Mogol - Carlo Donida)
Silvia (Renzo Zenobi)
Sunny (Hebb Bob)
Susan (Caroline Bogman - Ferdi lancea - M. Foggo)
Suzanne (Leonard Cohen)
Te recuerdo Amanda (Victor Jara)
Teresa (Blanche Dubois)
To Ramona (Bob Dylan)
Vai Valentina (Sergio Bardotti - Maurizio Fabrizio - Ornella Vanoni)
Vincent and the factory (Roger Whittaker)
Viola (Luciano Beretta - A. De Luca - Miki Del Prete)
Wanda're seriously with the face ( Paolo Conte)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Labia Varicose Veins During Pregnancy
Mafia, face to face in Spatuzza Graviano
Hello Gaspare." "Hello Joe." It 'so began the long-awaited face to face - the first in the classroom - including the boss of Brancaccio Graviano Joseph and his former loyalist Gaspare Spatuzza , now associate justice, a comparison in the bunker in the Rebibbia' scope of the process on the kidnapping and murder of a small Giuseppe Di Matteo. After greeting the seemingly friendly Spatuzza has now changed his tone: "Mr. Graviano give me of her. Repent: tomorrow is Lent. " The boss spoke from behind a screen and video conferencing from prison in Milan Opera. The boss and the repentant, either not visible to the public, they sat side by side.
Spatuzza attacked the former head: "But tell him the truth. There are people who are here to defend the indefensible. I have a hard time entering the minds of these people. " The boss of Brancaccio replied: "I never hurt anyone either physically or morally. One can see that he's bluffing - he then said, referring to the former loyalist - I hate to economic issues. " He added: "I wanted to force to do to marry a couple. I am not Don Rodrigo, if two people love each other get married. "
Spatuzza also recalled an episode that is previously unknown to have been forced by gravity to make abortion a girl impregnated by a man of honor: "We have done monstrous things. Remember that you made me kill a child who is never born. I called Tobia to have a point of reference. " "I've done the kidnapping - he added - and led me to procure an abortion." Serious, very tense, he denied everything. Spatuzza also recalled the dozens of relatives of murder ordered by serious regret. "With your brother Philip - he added - we had a wonderful comparison (sorry alludes to the confrontation occurred in front Pm to the Florence Filippo Graviano, ed ). He did not tell me that I lied, I said 'do you think evil'. "
At the hearing before the third section of the Palermo Court of Assizes, presided by Alfredo Montalto , away classroom bunker Rebibbia Spatuzza was confronted with another repentant Salvatore Gricoli . Together they retraced the moments before the kidnapping of little Giuseppe Di Matteo, who was later killed: "On 15 September 1993, he was killed Don Puglisi (the anti-Mafia priest Brancaccio, ed) and the group is made up of fire. I would place the meeting of Misilmeri (quello preparatorio al sequestro, ndr ), prima del 15 settembre perché operavamo insieme, io Gricoli e Giacalone “, ha detto Spatuzza.
“Non ricordo bene, oggi. Un po’ perché voglio dimenticare, tutto. Un po’ perché sono passati 18 anni”, ha affermato il pentito Grigoli sul sequestro del bambino. “Siamo circondati da odio e inimicizia dentro le nostre famiglie, altro che fratellanza. Non è questa la fratellanza – ha replicato Spatuzza -. Siamo qui per chiarire e restituire la verità alla storia”. “Graviano incontrandomi mi fece i complimenti e disse di avere sentito parlare bene di me”, ha detto ancora Grigoli: . The chief justice asked: "Why?". "For the murders he had committed, had not heard of me because I had graduated," he said.
Spatuzza attacked the former head: "But tell him the truth. There are people who are here to defend the indefensible. I have a hard time entering the minds of these people. " The boss of Brancaccio replied: "I never hurt anyone either physically or morally. One can see that he's bluffing - he then said, referring to the former loyalist - I hate to economic issues. " He added: "I wanted to force to do to marry a couple. I am not Don Rodrigo, if two people love each other get married. "
Spatuzza also recalled an episode that is previously unknown to have been forced by gravity to make abortion a girl impregnated by a man of honor: "We have done monstrous things. Remember that you made me kill a child who is never born. I called Tobia to have a point of reference. " "I've done the kidnapping - he added - and led me to procure an abortion." Serious, very tense, he denied everything. Spatuzza also recalled the dozens of relatives of murder ordered by serious regret. "With your brother Philip - he added - we had a wonderful comparison (sorry alludes to the confrontation occurred in front Pm to the Florence Filippo Graviano, ed ). He did not tell me that I lied, I said 'do you think evil'. "
At the hearing before the third section of the Palermo Court of Assizes, presided by Alfredo Montalto , away classroom bunker Rebibbia Spatuzza was confronted with another repentant Salvatore Gricoli . Together they retraced the moments before the kidnapping of little Giuseppe Di Matteo, who was later killed: "On 15 September 1993, he was killed Don Puglisi (the anti-Mafia priest Brancaccio, ed) and the group is made up of fire. I would place the meeting of Misilmeri (quello preparatorio al sequestro, ndr ), prima del 15 settembre perché operavamo insieme, io Gricoli e Giacalone “, ha detto Spatuzza.
“Non ricordo bene, oggi. Un po’ perché voglio dimenticare, tutto. Un po’ perché sono passati 18 anni”, ha affermato il pentito Grigoli sul sequestro del bambino. “Siamo circondati da odio e inimicizia dentro le nostre famiglie, altro che fratellanza. Non è questa la fratellanza – ha replicato Spatuzza -. Siamo qui per chiarire e restituire la verità alla storia”. “Graviano incontrandomi mi fece i complimenti e disse di avere sentito parlare bene di me”, ha detto ancora Grigoli: . The chief justice asked: "Why?". "For the murders he had committed, had not heard of me because I had graduated," he said.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Where Can I Get A Proto Slg In Canada
Mehoffer Jozef, a Polish symbolist painter I pens
Jozef Mehoffer (Ropczyce 1869 - Wadowice 1946) was a famous Polish painter and decorator, figura di spicco nell'avanguardia sviluppatasi alla fine del XIX secolo col nome di "Giovane Polonia". Iniziò i suoi studi pittorici all'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Cracovia, li proseguì all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Vienna per poi approdare all'Accademia Colarossi in Parigi. Fu durante questo apprendistato che Mehoffer si specializzò nella fattura di ritratti che spesso raffiguravano personaggi storici importanti; in seguito si dedicò a tecnice diverse dalla pittura, comprese le arti grafiche e le decorazioni. Il suo estro lo mise a frutto in modo magistrale soprattutto nella stesura degli affreschi che progettò nei primissimi anni del Novecento appositamente per alcuni monumenti polacchi. Come decoratore non fu da meno, lo stanno a dimostrare the windows of the cathedral Saint-Nicolas in Freiburg. Among his works of particular merit include: The unusual garden (1903), by setting clear symbolism, and Head of Medusa (1904). Here is a list of works by the Polish painter who, in addition to paintings, it also includes some decorations.
Aniol (decoration, 1903)
Anioly z gwiazdami (decoration, 1901)
Archaniol Gabriel (decoration, 1901)
Archaniol Michal (decoration, 1901)
Autoportret (1894)
Autoportret (1897)
Cynie (1911)
Red Umbrella (1917)
Drobiagzi the fireplace (1895)
Girl Highlander (1904)
Garden Strange (Strange Garden, 1903)
jubilans Europe (1905).
Fragment Planty (1898)
lake autumn
Flowers (1912)
The May sun (1911)
Medusa (The head of Medusa, 1904)
Milky Way
Garden (1920)
Garden kwiatovy
Garden in the sun
villa on the Garden morzem
Pejzaz z Wloch
Place Pigalle (1894)
Portret Izy z Gielgudow Teodorowej Axentowiczowej (1907)
Portret Marszalka Josefa Pilsudkiego (1921)
Portret zony (1904)
Portret zony artysty (1913)
Portret zony artysty z pegazem (1913)
Portret zony na tle laurow (1909)
Portret zony na zoltym tle (1907)
Przed szkola
Rozmowa (1896)
Rynek krakowski (1903)
Spiewaczka (1896)
Wawoz (1897)
Wazony z kwiatami
pod Niepolomicami Wisla (1894)
Jozef Mehoffer (Ropczyce 1869 - Wadowice 1946) was a famous Polish painter and decorator, figura di spicco nell'avanguardia sviluppatasi alla fine del XIX secolo col nome di "Giovane Polonia". Iniziò i suoi studi pittorici all'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Cracovia, li proseguì all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Vienna per poi approdare all'Accademia Colarossi in Parigi. Fu durante questo apprendistato che Mehoffer si specializzò nella fattura di ritratti che spesso raffiguravano personaggi storici importanti; in seguito si dedicò a tecnice diverse dalla pittura, comprese le arti grafiche e le decorazioni. Il suo estro lo mise a frutto in modo magistrale soprattutto nella stesura degli affreschi che progettò nei primissimi anni del Novecento appositamente per alcuni monumenti polacchi. Come decoratore non fu da meno, lo stanno a dimostrare the windows of the cathedral Saint-Nicolas in Freiburg. Among his works of particular merit include: The unusual garden (1903), by setting clear symbolism, and Head of Medusa (1904). Here is a list of works by the Polish painter who, in addition to paintings, it also includes some decorations.
Aniol (decoration, 1903)
Anioly z gwiazdami (decoration, 1901)
Archaniol Gabriel (decoration, 1901)
Archaniol Michal (decoration, 1901)
Autoportret (1894)
Autoportret (1897)
Cynie (1911)
Red Umbrella (1917)
Drobiagzi the fireplace (1895)
Girl Highlander (1904)
Garden Strange (Strange Garden, 1903)
jubilans Europe (1905).
Fragment Planty (1898)
lake autumn
Flowers (1912)
The May sun (1911)
Medusa (The head of Medusa, 1904)
Milky Way
Garden (1920)
Garden kwiatovy
Garden in the sun
villa on the Garden morzem
Pejzaz z Wloch
Place Pigalle (1894)
Portret Izy z Gielgudow Teodorowej Axentowiczowej (1907)
Portret Marszalka Josefa Pilsudkiego (1921)
Portret zony (1904)
Portret zony artysty (1913)
Portret zony artysty z pegazem (1913)
Portret zony na tle laurow (1909)
Portret zony na zoltym tle (1907)
Przed szkola
Rozmowa (1896)
Rynek krakowski (1903)
Spiewaczka (1896)
Wawoz (1897)
Wazony z kwiatami
pod Niepolomicami Wisla (1894)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Bloons Ipod Touch Walkthrough
Among the childhood memories occupy a small place the colorful and precious drawing pens. Thanks to them it was possible to create imaginative doodles can choose among as many as 36 in the pack. I remember the great use that I made and how it can achieve a precision and clarity difficult to achieve with other paint colors. Certainly could have arisen or drawbacks of using such markers unpleasant consequences, such as it was quite easy to get your hands dirty, or if you just stand the strong smell, a bit 'disgusted dall'esalazione non certo gradevole che questi strumenti da disegno emanavano; ma tale e tanta era la gioia ludica e visiva che comportava l'utilizzo dei cari pennarelli, che sicuramente il gioco valeva la candela.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What Happens If Latex Paint Freezes
March in March
Nella canzone italiana, a differenza della poesia, il mese di marzo non ha trovato molte voci disponibili alla sua celebrazione, così esso compare sporadicamente nei brani di musica pop, venendo sì nominato, ma marginalmente in contesti dove protagonisti sono elementi e accadimenti che si verificano durante questo mese ( Lacrime di marzo, Pioggia March, Walking alone one morning in March). A rare exception may be represented by Gardens March, one of the best songs of the famous couple Art Mogol-Battisti, in which the characteristics relating to the rebirth of nature and the return of vitality typical of March, are partly described in following words: "The gardens of March dress in new colors / and young women living in those months new love." But the text that describes in March, more than any other is that of Teresa De Sio who initially inspired by the poetry of a beautiful poem by Salvatore Di Giacomo, " and veins in March and already the air bitch / sentennolo get '/ nu and nu little Chiove little Lighten / flaws you vo' 'mbruglià "and then unfolding in ways completely original," E cu' n fall asleep 'and soil' NFuse / veins and if it felt / or the pure sun is annascuso / nun sape if some 'ASCII / vieneme you to search / March nun looks you can trust / rebate accussi and goes. " As for the rest, it is certainly remarkable song Rain in March, the Italian language remake of a famous Brazilian song ( Aguas de março ) played with bravura by Mina and the others are of good quality Baglioni, De Crescenzo, and Silvestri, all linked in the "song writing". "March" is also the title of a song that the singer Giorgia wrote and published shortly after the tragic death of Alex Baroni. Finally, a curiosity is the presence of two titles in March (March was the time and March 1976) between songs on an album by Grizzly Bear in 1976: "The masks on fire."
a "March" (T. De Sio)
2 "The gardens of March" (Mogol - Battisti L.)
3 "Rain of March" (G. Calabrese - ACJ Jobim )
4 "Tears of March" (A. Coggio - C. Baglioni)
5 "March 3039" (D. Smith)
6 "Marzo" (G. Todrani)
7 "Era il tempo di marzo" (P. Morelli)
8 "Passeggiando da solo una mattina di marzo" (B. Laurenti - A. De Angelis)
9 "Occhi di marzo" (E. De Crescenzo)
10 "Marzo 1976" (P. Morelli)
Nella canzone italiana, a differenza della poesia, il mese di marzo non ha trovato molte voci disponibili alla sua celebrazione, così esso compare sporadicamente nei brani di musica pop, venendo sì nominato, ma marginalmente in contesti dove protagonisti sono elementi e accadimenti che si verificano durante questo mese ( Lacrime di marzo, Pioggia March, Walking alone one morning in March). A rare exception may be represented by Gardens March, one of the best songs of the famous couple Art Mogol-Battisti, in which the characteristics relating to the rebirth of nature and the return of vitality typical of March, are partly described in following words: "The gardens of March dress in new colors / and young women living in those months new love." But the text that describes in March, more than any other is that of Teresa De Sio who initially inspired by the poetry of a beautiful poem by Salvatore Di Giacomo, " and veins in March and already the air bitch / sentennolo get '/ nu and nu little Chiove little Lighten / flaws you vo' 'mbruglià "and then unfolding in ways completely original," E cu' n fall asleep 'and soil' NFuse / veins and if it felt / or the pure sun is annascuso / nun sape if some 'ASCII / vieneme you to search / March nun looks you can trust / rebate accussi and goes. " As for the rest, it is certainly remarkable song Rain in March, the Italian language remake of a famous Brazilian song ( Aguas de março ) played with bravura by Mina and the others are of good quality Baglioni, De Crescenzo, and Silvestri, all linked in the "song writing". "March" is also the title of a song that the singer Giorgia wrote and published shortly after the tragic death of Alex Baroni. Finally, a curiosity is the presence of two titles in March (March was the time and March 1976) between songs on an album by Grizzly Bear in 1976: "The masks on fire."
a "March" (T. De Sio)
2 "The gardens of March" (Mogol - Battisti L.)
3 "Rain of March" (G. Calabrese - ACJ Jobim )
4 "Tears of March" (A. Coggio - C. Baglioni)
5 "March 3039" (D. Smith)
6 "Marzo" (G. Todrani)
7 "Era il tempo di marzo" (P. Morelli)
8 "Passeggiando da solo una mattina di marzo" (B. Laurenti - A. De Angelis)
9 "Occhi di marzo" (E. De Crescenzo)
10 "Marzo 1976" (P. Morelli)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Lia Sophia Invitations
ten songs in ten Italian poems
Marzo, terzo mese dell'anno, decreta la fine della stagione invernale e l'inizio di quella primaverile; è per questo motivo un mese fondamentale che annuncia la rinascita della natura, il risveglio della vita dopo un lungo sonno. Tra i poeti italiani che hanno scritto poesie bellissime su questo mese c'è Arturo Onofri: March to the Roman poet is a whimsical and playful child who likes to rapidly changing weather situations by means of clouds, sun and wind, " March, a boy with a long yawn, / your whims beautiful / as laughter After the tears / are playthings of clouds and sun. / With your fresh breath that smells of violets / tarnish the green hills of the novice, / the feathered shafts of light, / and then suddenly lighten up. " In another poem the same again in March Onofri identifies as a child, " With a blade of grass in his mouth Primaticcio / March is an idle boy, astride / wind that separates the two seasons; s, whistling, ago, on his whim, / with arrogant audacity, / time he likes. "
is a poem by Leopardi tones that Clemente Rebora included in his most famous work, "Fragments opera" and starts talking about the first month of spring of the year, " March lucendo the air / With renewed thin vein / L 'anemic ground winter / And like a child's eye / Everything opens up to look, / And the wind gives curls. " According to Charles
Michelstaedter March is hated by the sparrow and the bourgeois, the first hates it because it undergoes a violent awakening because of strong winds that destroy its nest, " And rouse the sparrow / with your crazy wind / rain gutter in its dry / naked in the hedge. " The second for the same reason, although the possibility of protecting, hiding and carefully closing all the taxes: "And the timid bourgeois / bone that brings the frost / winter pierced / [...] / locks herself hurried / lazy you rinvoltola s rincardina doors. " But there are those who love the wildness and vigor of March: the falcon, which exploits the strong winds characteristic of the month to hover in experiencing a unique sensation in the limbs, "But if you hate Thee addormiti / in heated blankets / sparrows and afraid / hedges bare, / loves you the hawk up in the air / that is more agile lbs / in your breath varies / and feel in every fiber / happy in your storm. "
is very beautiful "March", in Neapolitan dialect poetry of the great Salvatore Di Giacomo, who puts more emphasis than ever on the changing character of the month: "March : nu little Chiove s' born ppoco stracqua / returns Chiovenda schiove, / ride 'or sun ll'acqua cu. / / Mo nu sky blue / mo n'aria dark and black / mo 's' or Vierno 'and storm / mo n'aria' and Primmavera .
contains a lot of bitterness the poem "March" by Carlo Betocchi, the poet wrote in his old age and describes initially un paesaggio tipicamente marzolino, con le condizioni atmosferiche in continuo mutamento: « Varia il tempo, fra scrosci di pioggia, / brevi serenità; / ne riluccica il rosso dei tetti, / dall'asciuttore solito. Riflette / quel suo color nuovo che perdette / con gli anni... ». Nel finale Betocchi dichiara la sua rassegnazione (col passare degli anni) ad accontentarsi di qualche raggio di sole proveniente da un "cielo dolcemente amaro": « Ed il mio cuore fa come i colombi / grigi: in quel fresco umidore / bazzica, si rallegra del poco / che a uno specchio di sole / resta chiaro. E il cielo è amaro, / dolcemente amaro ».
Giuseppe Conte in una poesia intitolata "Pansies" originally refers to two plants, in the month of rebirth, scatter, " mimosas and / brooms are faded white. / / They love the cold sky and / oblique January, its Miracle resources / purity. " But in March (again personified) is aware of this and, not to ruin his reputation as a month of "blooming", try to hide among some trees, "March knows, the camouflaged / off between palms and / fir. / It is warm on feet, between the new / pansies. "
In four verses Diego Valeri likens the month of March with a person dear to him (his wife?) Emphasizing the abstract and the remoteness of the month and, on the contrary, the proximity and concreteness of the woman, "March is upstairs in his cloud / wind and sun, smoke and silver. / You are here in your story / soul and flesh, joy and torment .
In the second part of a poem by Peter Masters entitled "March", the Winter is portrayed as an old man reluctantly, turning constantly, goes away, giving way to Spring girl who looks with his little head "shy and curious ":" Winter is discontent / to go away, slow / walks, each time / remains and turns back. / He knows that Spring is still too tiny / per discacciarlo: è come una bambina, / che affaccia la testina / timida e curiosa / di dietro a qualche vetro... ».
Non poteva mancare, parlando di poesie relative ai mesi, una lirica di Vincenzo Cardarelli; in "Marzo" il poeta di Tarquinia paragona la primavera cittadina ad un "vino effervescente" (si noti il verbo "spumeggiare" riferito al verde e l'aggettivo "ebbra" riferito alla primavera): « Oggi la primavera / è un vino effervescente. / Spumeggia il primo verde / sui grandi olmi fioriti a ciuffi / dove il germe già cade / come diffusa pioggia. / [...] / Scossa da un fiato immenso / la città vive un giorno / d'umori campestri. / Drunk spring / runs in the blood. "
a "March" by Arturo Onofri, in "orchestra. Arioso" Blacks Pozza, Venice 1959.
2 "in March, which brings clouds upside down" by Arturo Onofri, in "Winning the dragon!" Tilopa, Rome 1983.
3 "March lucendo in the air" by Clemente Rebora, in "Poems", Garzanti, Milano 1988.
4 "March" by Carlo Michelstaedter, in "Poems", Adelphi, Milano 1987.
5 "March" by Salvatore Di Giacomo, in "The Complete Poems", Newton Compton, Roma 1991.
6 "March" by Carlo Betocchi, in "The Complete Poems", Mondadori, Milano 1984.
7 "Pansies" by Giuseppe Conte, "The Ocean and the Boy," TEA, Milano 2002.
8 "March" by Diego Valeri, in "Poems", Mondadori, Milano 1962.
9 "March" by Peter Masters, in "The Mirror and the scythe, Treves, Milano 1907.
10 "March" by Vincenzo Cardarelli, in "Works", Mondadori, Milano 1981.
Marzo, terzo mese dell'anno, decreta la fine della stagione invernale e l'inizio di quella primaverile; è per questo motivo un mese fondamentale che annuncia la rinascita della natura, il risveglio della vita dopo un lungo sonno. Tra i poeti italiani che hanno scritto poesie bellissime su questo mese c'è Arturo Onofri: March to the Roman poet is a whimsical and playful child who likes to rapidly changing weather situations by means of clouds, sun and wind, " March, a boy with a long yawn, / your whims beautiful / as laughter After the tears / are playthings of clouds and sun. / With your fresh breath that smells of violets / tarnish the green hills of the novice, / the feathered shafts of light, / and then suddenly lighten up. " In another poem the same again in March Onofri identifies as a child, " With a blade of grass in his mouth Primaticcio / March is an idle boy, astride / wind that separates the two seasons; s, whistling, ago, on his whim, / with arrogant audacity, / time he likes. "
is a poem by Leopardi tones that Clemente Rebora included in his most famous work, "Fragments opera" and starts talking about the first month of spring of the year, " March lucendo the air / With renewed thin vein / L 'anemic ground winter / And like a child's eye / Everything opens up to look, / And the wind gives curls. " According to Charles
Michelstaedter March is hated by the sparrow and the bourgeois, the first hates it because it undergoes a violent awakening because of strong winds that destroy its nest, " And rouse the sparrow / with your crazy wind / rain gutter in its dry / naked in the hedge. " The second for the same reason, although the possibility of protecting, hiding and carefully closing all the taxes: "And the timid bourgeois / bone that brings the frost / winter pierced / [...] / locks herself hurried / lazy you rinvoltola s rincardina doors. " But there are those who love the wildness and vigor of March: the falcon, which exploits the strong winds characteristic of the month to hover in experiencing a unique sensation in the limbs, "But if you hate Thee addormiti / in heated blankets / sparrows and afraid / hedges bare, / loves you the hawk up in the air / that is more agile lbs / in your breath varies / and feel in every fiber / happy in your storm. "
is very beautiful "March", in Neapolitan dialect poetry of the great Salvatore Di Giacomo, who puts more emphasis than ever on the changing character of the month: "March : nu little Chiove s' born ppoco stracqua / returns Chiovenda schiove, / ride 'or sun ll'acqua cu. / / Mo nu sky blue / mo n'aria dark and black / mo 's' or Vierno 'and storm / mo n'aria' and Primmavera .
contains a lot of bitterness the poem "March" by Carlo Betocchi, the poet wrote in his old age and describes initially un paesaggio tipicamente marzolino, con le condizioni atmosferiche in continuo mutamento: « Varia il tempo, fra scrosci di pioggia, / brevi serenità; / ne riluccica il rosso dei tetti, / dall'asciuttore solito. Riflette / quel suo color nuovo che perdette / con gli anni... ». Nel finale Betocchi dichiara la sua rassegnazione (col passare degli anni) ad accontentarsi di qualche raggio di sole proveniente da un "cielo dolcemente amaro": « Ed il mio cuore fa come i colombi / grigi: in quel fresco umidore / bazzica, si rallegra del poco / che a uno specchio di sole / resta chiaro. E il cielo è amaro, / dolcemente amaro ».
Giuseppe Conte in una poesia intitolata "Pansies" originally refers to two plants, in the month of rebirth, scatter, " mimosas and / brooms are faded white. / / They love the cold sky and / oblique January, its Miracle resources / purity. " But in March (again personified) is aware of this and, not to ruin his reputation as a month of "blooming", try to hide among some trees, "March knows, the camouflaged / off between palms and / fir. / It is warm on feet, between the new / pansies. "
In four verses Diego Valeri likens the month of March with a person dear to him (his wife?) Emphasizing the abstract and the remoteness of the month and, on the contrary, the proximity and concreteness of the woman, "March is upstairs in his cloud / wind and sun, smoke and silver. / You are here in your story / soul and flesh, joy and torment .
In the second part of a poem by Peter Masters entitled "March", the Winter is portrayed as an old man reluctantly, turning constantly, goes away, giving way to Spring girl who looks with his little head "shy and curious ":" Winter is discontent / to go away, slow / walks, each time / remains and turns back. / He knows that Spring is still too tiny / per discacciarlo: è come una bambina, / che affaccia la testina / timida e curiosa / di dietro a qualche vetro... ».
Non poteva mancare, parlando di poesie relative ai mesi, una lirica di Vincenzo Cardarelli; in "Marzo" il poeta di Tarquinia paragona la primavera cittadina ad un "vino effervescente" (si noti il verbo "spumeggiare" riferito al verde e l'aggettivo "ebbra" riferito alla primavera): « Oggi la primavera / è un vino effervescente. / Spumeggia il primo verde / sui grandi olmi fioriti a ciuffi / dove il germe già cade / come diffusa pioggia. / [...] / Scossa da un fiato immenso / la città vive un giorno / d'umori campestri. / Drunk spring / runs in the blood. "
a "March" by Arturo Onofri, in "orchestra. Arioso" Blacks Pozza, Venice 1959.
2 "in March, which brings clouds upside down" by Arturo Onofri, in "Winning the dragon!" Tilopa, Rome 1983.
3 "March lucendo in the air" by Clemente Rebora, in "Poems", Garzanti, Milano 1988.
4 "March" by Carlo Michelstaedter, in "Poems", Adelphi, Milano 1987.
5 "March" by Salvatore Di Giacomo, in "The Complete Poems", Newton Compton, Roma 1991.
6 "March" by Carlo Betocchi, in "The Complete Poems", Mondadori, Milano 1984.
7 "Pansies" by Giuseppe Conte, "The Ocean and the Boy," TEA, Milano 2002.
8 "March" by Diego Valeri, in "Poems", Mondadori, Milano 1962.
9 "March" by Peter Masters, in "The Mirror and the scythe, Treves, Milano 1907.
10 "March" by Vincenzo Cardarelli, in "Works", Mondadori, Milano 1981.
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Liebe Kunstfreunde ...
he is booked in Europe and we are very lucky to have him for a private viewing in New York:
Lucio Diodati from Italy!
his "Harlequin stories" take us into a serene world of sunshine and love of life. With a wink and womankind watched Harlequins populate his paintings and make the world in public, at work or home environment for serenity, smile and feel good.
Ein Maskenball in Bildern mit Faschingskrapfen, bunten Cocktails und schwungvoller Musik von Frank Ströber erwartet Sie.
Wer mag, hat im Anschluss an die Vernissage an den Fenstern der Galerie Logenplätze für den traditionsreichen Ziegelhäuser Karnevalsumzug.
Sonntag, 6. März 2011 um 11 Uhr
Stargast: Lucio Diodati from Italy
Music: Frank Ströber, guitar and Chapmanstick
We look forward to you
Lucio Diodati and Angela Mahmoud
he is booked in Europe and we are very lucky to have him for a private viewing in New York:
Lucio Diodati from Italy!
his "Harlequin stories" take us into a serene world of sunshine and love of life. With a wink and womankind watched Harlequins populate his paintings and make the world in public, at work or home environment for serenity, smile and feel good.
Erleben Sie Faschingssonntag mit unserem Stargast aus Italien einmal anders:
Ein Maskenball in Bildern mit Faschingskrapfen, bunten Cocktails und schwungvoller Musik von Frank Ströber erwartet Sie.
Wer mag, hat im Anschluss an die Vernissage an den Fenstern der Galerie Logenplätze für den traditionsreichen Ziegelhäuser Karnevalsumzug.
Sonntag, 6. März 2011 um 11 Uhr
Stargast: Lucio Diodati from Italy
Music: Frank Ströber, guitar and Chapmanstick
We look forward to you
Lucio Diodati and Angela Mahmoud
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