Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cogat Sample Test Free

Liebe Kunstfreunde ...

he is booked in Europe and we are very lucky to have him for a private viewing in New York:

Lucio Diodati from Italy!
his "Harlequin stories" take us into a serene world of sunshine and love of life. With a wink and womankind watched Harlequins populate his paintings and make the world in public, at work or home environment for serenity, smile and feel good.

Erleben Sie Faschingssonntag mit unserem Stargast aus Italien einmal anders:

Ein Maskenball in Bildern mit Faschingskrapfen, bunten Cocktails und schwungvoller Musik von Frank Ströber erwartet Sie.
Wer mag, hat im Anschluss an die Vernissage an den Fenstern der Galerie Logenplätze für den traditionsreichen Ziegelhäuser Karnevalsumzug.

Sonntag, 6. März 2011 um 11 Uhr
Stargast: Lucio Diodati from Italy
Music: Frank Ströber, guitar and Chapmanstick

We look forward to you
Lucio Diodati and Angela Mahmoud


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