Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Easiest Way To Suck Your Own Cock

Lucio Diodati Franchising

COLORS care for many years the distribution of work of Lucio Diodati.
Search franchisees, preferably with no location and willing to act privately.
offers assistance for start-up and advertising material.

Colors - Art Project in Franchising

Industry: ; art
Activities: posters, prints, watercolors and paintings
Core business: art Lucio Diodati
Minimum investment: ...............
Name of Franchisor: Colors

Address: Via Tiburtina Valeria 51 / c
65026 Popoli (Pescara)
                              telefono 085 9879077

Chi è il franchisor?
È l’imprenditore che ha scelto la formula commerciale del franchising per replicare il modello di business della sua attività realizzando una rete di affiliati, i franchisee, che ne usano l’insegna, il format e i prodotti.

Chi è il franchisee?
È l’imprenditore che, attraverso un accordo che lo lega al franchisor, opera all’interno di un sistema che fa capo all’azienda, la franchise, a cui è legato da obblighi contrattuali stabiliti (ad esempio, l’uso esclusivo del marchio).

Che cos’è il franchising?
È l’accordo con cui un’azienda concede a una persona o società, a fronte del pagamento di un canone, il diritto di usare il marchio e l’insegna per venderne prodotti o servizi. Il franchising è un accordo di collaborazione tra un’azienda, il franchisor o affiliante - che ha una formula commerciale consolidata - e la persona o società, il franchisee o affiliato, che aderisce a questa formula. Il franchisor concede al franchisee il brand, i suoi prodotti o servizi, l’assistenza tecnica e il metodo operativo di gestione dell’attività.

Perché scegliere il franchising?
  • Il franchising promuove l’intraprendenza e lo spirito di iniziativa e incoraggia l’indipendenza lavorativa. La validità di questa formula di eccellenza per l’economia nazionale e mondiale è confermata dai dati ufficiali per il 2009: il giro d’affari delle reti in franchising è stato di 21 miliardi e 774 milioni di €, 1, 7% more than the previous year, with a total of 180,525 persons employed.
  • This business method is a risky investment business limited.
  • join a network means using the sign, the products / services of a concept that the market already knows. This makes it easier to get in touch with the market of potential customers and avoid mistakes caused by inexperience.
  • The affiliate can take up the business, relying on the right training and transfer of know-how from the franchisor.
  • The affiliate can count on support and continuing maintenance by the parent.
  • The business franchise uses a scale of cost-effective: those for the advertising that the franchisor can make to those of the affiliate buys goods directly from the franchisor.
  • The franchisor "sells" and a proven formula for success and above all avoid the occurrence of errors that usually self-commits to inexperience and in which sometimes can be found the source of the cessation.
  • Franchising is the ideal option for those who want an independent.
  • The franchise is the only way through which any person, even with limited capital, it may become independent with the possibility of increasing their assets in proportion to their real ability and commitment.
  • The main feature of the success of franchising is the release of creative energy that occurs when the franchisees decide to invest their savings. The industry needs more capital to entrepreneurs and imaginative that they can find and fill any gap in the distribution system.

Calories In Smoked Mozzarella

yes, but civil commitment

Umberto Lucentini

The dinner is open from New Year's Greeting from Libera Terra lentils grown in Caserta. A table in a farmhouse in the province of Turin or in a farmhouse in the countryside of Siena in confiscated property to boss in Calabria and Sicily. A signature at banquets, or via the Internet, because the corrupt back to the community the fruits of their depredations. A toast with white wine cellar reminiscent Centopassi Peppino Impastato and his battles as a mafia Georgofili in Florence, on the site of the massacre of 1993. Or, a party with dj Addiopizzo opened its new headquarters in a local confiscated from capocosca Masino Spadaro. Ideas for a New Year that can have a civil commitment, suggested by experts for dependability.

Bruno and Carla House Hunting
via Serra High in San Sebastiano da Po 6, a small town a stone's throw from Chivasso, near Turin.
is a house of a thousand square meters, surrounded by a hectare of farmland, confiscated to the members of the family Belfiore. Domenico, the clan chief, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1992 as principal of the murder of the prosecutor in Turin, Bruno Caccia, killed June 26, 1983 for having initiated important investigations underworld clan. The Prosecution led by Hunt also taught the first trials of the historical leaders of Br and the front line. The final confiscation of the property was conducted in December 1999 but only in 2005, with input from the junta led by the mayor Paolo ditch, the goods were intended for the Gruppo Abele.

* Reported by Flavio Tranquillo, Sky Sports commentator, author, together with the magistrate Mario Conte of the book "The ten steps, small breviary on the legality ".

Shop tastes and knowledge of law
Via Raffaele De Cesare, 22 (Trav. Palace of Saint Lucia), Naples
A" pack the Camorra ", ie food and sweets products in the lands confiscated from Caserta boss, to take on the dinner table: You can buy into the "workshop of the tastes and knowledge of the law 'which is owned by Freedom of Campania. The members of Freedom, along with children Orsamaggiore are pledging in these days to open "The Gloriette," a center for disabled children in a villa belonging to the Camorra Michele Zaza. The boss in the 80 controlled the smuggling of cigarettes and lived in Naples in a "mansion" in Via Petrarca with pool, park and a breathtaking view over the gulf. The police, who had been assigned, has entrusted to voluntary associations. There they consume foods obtained by cultivating the land confiscated from Casale. A few steps from "The Gloriette" there is a field of about eleven thousand square meters with a small brick building that will be taken care of and intended for some crops of free land.

* reported by Santi Giuffre, superintendent of Naples

Online Petition The corrupt return what they stole
The banquet facilities are already at work in hundreds of squares in Italy, from Rome, in Latin , in Caltanissetta in Alexandria. The initiative starts from the Free and Public Notice, is a signature campaign to ask the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, "to intervene, in the form and manner it deems most appropriate, to the Government and Parliament to ratify as soon as possible give practical effect to the treaties, international conventions and EU directives on anti-corruption and the rules, introduced by Finance Act 2007, for the confiscation and social use of goods stolen from the corrupt. " On 31 December must also sign a Calatafimi Segesta, in the province of Trapani, in square Blessed Archangel from 17 to 21, and online and

*segnalato da Giovanni Crescente, direttore di Confindustria Caltanissetta

Agriturismo Suvignano
Str. Monteroni Vescovado 2759, 53014 Monteroni d'Arbia, Siena
La splendida tenuta era stata acquistata dal costruttore mafioso Vincenzo Piazza, arrestato su ordine della magistratura di Palermo per aver riciclato i soldi di Cosa nostra. Destinata a luogo di villeggiatura per la famiglia dell'imprenditore, è stata sequestrata nel 1994 insieme ad altre aziende (il provvedimento riguardò beni per 1 miliardo e 500 milioni di euro) ed è stata confiscata nel 2007. Resa produttiva grazie ad una serie di interventi mirati con punte di eccellenza nella zootecnia, nell'agricoltura and in the farm, now the company must become true of € 35 million and 30 employees working there. There is an animal park of 1,800 sheep, milk and oil is produced, Cinta Senese pigs are bred for the production of sausages with the DOP certification which are among the most popular in the world. Agreements with universities and institutes of Livestock Tuscany and Sicily allow testing of crops and projects for the pet-terapy.

* Reported by Chaplain Gary Seminara, a lawyer, and manager of property seized or confiscated from the boss and director of the Farm Financial Suvignano

Via dei Goergofili
A bottle of champagne uncorked between the historic Tower of Fleas, the Uffizi, the Arno, the headquarters of the Georgofili to say that the mafia does not go from there. A toast to the places where an attack organized by the boss of Cosa Nostra in the night between 26 and 27 May 1993, five people died: Catherine Nencini, 50 days old; Nencioni Nadia, age 9; Capolicchio Dario, 22 years, Angela River, 36; Nencioni Fabrizio, 39, and another 48 were injured. Via Georgofili not because it is a place there, but because the anti-mafia mafia hit hard.

* reported by Giovanna Maggiani Chelli, president of one of the families of victims of massacre of Georgofili Florence

Via Lincoln 131, Palermo
The dance party with DJ sets and open bar at the new headquarters of Addiopizzo, confiscated from the local mob boss starts at Spataro Masino 22 Friday, Dec. 31. The idea is to celebrate the arrival of 2011 in a room belonging to the mafia, and opened a few days ago as the headquarters of the association who launched the campaign against Palermo in the protection racket. To participate in this event need to Addiopizzo Tessera. For members and support the Committee, or for info or reservations, call 380 3691047. To stay in Palermo, there are several structures "lace-free" whose owners have joined the campaign "no mafia": b & b, hotels and hostels.

* Reported by Dario Riccobono, a founder of Addiopizzo Travel

work for a smile
virtual tour on the website of the Association of parents of children with cleft lip and palate at birth by. Via
Rodolfi 37, Vicenza
A journey in the hope to help children born with a malformation that affects the aesthetics of the face and mouth and slows the acquisition of power functions, language and social participation and help with your help to "give them a smile." A trip to "zero cost" Site information and dissemination of the Association out what the fund-raising and scientific conducted at San Bortolo Hospital Vicenza. There are several steps you can join: the composition of information materials, assistance to parents of sick children to help or replace during the post-operative care to the child, support for related activities such as educational workshops and rehabilitation, speech therapy structured for children and parents or the days of science.

* Reported by Licia Serpico, an official of the Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate of Padua and collaborator Association "We work for a smile."

Kalhesa Kursaal, multipurpose center
Foro Umberto I 21, Palermo
A library with titles ranging from the mafia, the 'Ndrangheta, the wise, a wine bar, an internet point and a restaurant: Here is the mix of multi-purpose center where there are book launches, exhibitions and concerts, at least until 1am (the rest is done by the success of the event). The Kursaal Kalhesa affiliated with Addio Pizzo and comes in a charming ancient building, the Town Fork / De Seta, site as a whole century Porta said of the Greeks and the Ramparts. Maximum attention is given to the subject of law: there have submitted their books on the investigating magistrates' Ndrangheta Nicola Gratteri or how there was talk of "pizzini of legality" as opposed to those used by the boss Bernardo Provenzano to order offenses or extortion.

* Reported by Antonio Ingroia, deputy prosecutor in Palermo, author of "In the maze of the gods. Stories of mafia and mafia"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Qualifications Mac Makeup

approved, not approved ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Genital Herpes And Tattoo

"Dear boy, police tell you we are on your side" Shame

"I feel the need to write these two lines will be addressing the students on Wednesday in the square. " So begins the passionate "open letter" that Maurice Cudicio, a policeman on duty at police headquarters in Trieste, wrote to students who gathered in the square in Rome tomorrow, when the vote in the Senate Ddl Gelmini.

"I cop, I am the son and father and when I finish work I go home to my family. My wife calls me the phone and tells me not to be late that dinner is almost ready. I'm glad to calm down and tell her I'll be back as soon as possible. Hours go by and I find myself in hospital with a broken head. Student, I turn to you, I am aware that it was not you, you have every reason in the world of show for your rights, but quello che non sai forse è che noi poliziotti siamo con voi, siamo dalla vostra parte e non siamo contro nessuno».

«Noi rappresentiamo lo Stato quando ci vedete in strada - continua la lettera - ma credimi siamo orgogliosi di farlo, noi amiamo il nostro lavoro ma siamo in piazza anche per voi. Non siamo lì per divertimento e facciamo di tutto, credimi studente, di tutto, per evitare che qualcuno si faccia male. Certo gli ordini sono ordini e noi siamo obbligati ad eseguirli, ma sappiamo benissimo dove dobbiamo fermarci per il bene nostro e vostro».

«Abbiamo paura, sì tanta a volte e in certi momenti forse sbagliamo, ma credimi, parlo con il cuore, quando ci troviamo tra due fronti, in mezzo alla guerriglia Urban is really hard. But we are all people who have the right to demonstrate and we are in the streets because this right is respected. The media and politicians sometimes exasperated tones, not realizing that the street there are only people who are separated or are students, "writes Maureen Cudicio, who created the group on Facebook" Movement policemen "to create a of encounter between citizens and officials, which has passed in a few days a thousand members.

unity. it

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wegener's Granulomatosis


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Harold And Kumar Bottomless Party Iphone

between Sonia Alfano and Licia Ronzulli "Vajassa. "I'll Sue"

From Strasbourg MEP IDV Sonia Alfano accused the Italian government to have legalized corruption. The PDL of colleague Licia Ronzulli tries to stop it, shouting across the classroom. Alfano asks: "The vajasse are also at the European Parliament?". And so the epithet in taxes paid to Italy by the Minister Mara Carfagna apostrophize Alessandra Mussolini arrived in Europe.

Alfano is giving a speech in the classroom. He accused the Italian government to have gained the trust with the votes of opposition MPs approached by the majority "and ricandidature with promises of money." Ronzulli explodes the first time, try to stop rival. But Alfano continues: "Shut up, why are not you the Italian Parliament. Shut up, you are talking about violations of fundamental rights. Nothing new home of the corruptor Berlusconi. " Ronzulli continues to scream on the other side of the Chamber. E 'at this point that is referred to as a "vajassa", that is a woman of low social status or worse. It is also silenced by the Chair of dell'Europarlamento: "Stop talking. His attitude is inappropriate, can not continue to interrupt. Respect. " And then: "This is the last time I tell him. If it gets up again and stops the session, ask you to leave the room. It 'clear enough? ". But there is Ronzulli: feels offended and threatened legal action against Sonia Alfano.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why Can Not Register To Playerdex


Monday, December 13, 2010

Birthday Party Titles

WikiLeaks, "Il Cavaliere Internet censorship to promote its TV"

WikiLeaks Case, a cable ambassador Thorne uses: private use of power. "The decree Romans would provide the basis for legal action against those who were to compete against members of the government." "So it mutes the competition policy "

Vincenzo Nigro

ROME -" So Berlusconi wants to censor the Internet "to" promote their companies' commercial and silence "competition policy". The last two cablegrams ambassador David Thorne common use in Rome by WikiLeaks, report the criticisms, doubts and suspicions of the U.S. on "the law of Rome." It is the anti-Internet decree that the Italian government wanted to switch between late 2009 and early 2010. In a cable February 3, 2010, Thorne summarizes: "The law will give the possibility to block or censor any content," and "encourage companies Silvio Berlusconi to meet its competitors. "The confirmation, according to the ambassador, a" model of family business in which Berlusconi and Mediaset have used the power of the government in this way since the days of Prime Minister Craxi.

Thorne State Department says that "the law could have been written to give the government the power to censor or block any content on the Internet if the government considers defamatory or foods that criminal activities." The decree "would provide the basis for legal action against media organizations that may compete against members of trade policy or government. "In the telegram Thorne recalled that for years the U.S. has put pressure on Italian government to approve laws to avoid legal consequences for those who work
on the Internet: "So far Italy has done very little," and now "with this law and cooperation rather skip any proposed regulation is very hard." Thorne, who was alongside John Kerry and Obama staff in the use of the Internet in American election campaign of 2008, says that the Italian law "could be a precedent for countries like China, which could copy it or take it as a justification their attacks against freedom of expression. " Antonello Busetto, a U.S. embassy source Confindustria heard, this law "could mean the death of the Internet in Italy." In addition, managers

Sky-TV in Italy at the U.S. Embassy confirmed that the Roman law would have "offered many commercial advantages to Mediaset, the television of the prime minister, compared to Sky, one of its main competitors." These leaders, "confirm the role of the Romans as a leader within the government to help Mediaset Sky to put in a situation of disadvantage." The U.S. embassy in Washington says that among other things the government wants to force Internet providers such as YouTube and Blogspot "to become responsible for the content they publish as are televisions," something "could be from the economic point of view that and practical. " E "as required by law to be made subject to defamation and other points of view that the Internet provider, some see it as a way to control the political debate on the Internet. "Furthermore, Thorne added," View from a business perspective, the rule seeks to limit the video and TV on the Internet helps the company Mediaset and the prime minister explores the market for Internet television. "

The ambassador writes that the Italian authority for communications, AGCOM, has the power to block sites and non-Italian to" impose fines of up to 150 000 € to foreign companies : The Authority is independent in theory, but many fear that is not sufficiently strong to withstand political pressures ".
Thorne concludes, noting that the government has already taken several steps to control the social networks of the Internet, "including the infamous intention to require that bloggers should have the license journalists, which is granted by the government."

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Husky Poodle Cross Breed

Di Gennaro, Ciancimino, Keller Gross: "Ciancimino, Mr. Franco, The" Shark "... and an unpublished document


report to our readers that the document reproduced today in Fact Daily on page 10 in "Ciancimino, MR France and the "Jaws" was released July 19, 2010, true scoop attached to the book THE MYSTERIES OF THE AGENDA RED Francesco Viviano and Alessandra Ziniti (which includes new interviews a Gaspare Mutolo e Luca Tescaroli), ed era stato pubblicato in anteprima assoluta sul Fatto Quotidiano nell’anticipazione dedicata al medesimo libro.

Qui sotto riproponiamo il documento:

Leggi anche: Dagospia, 4.12.2010 :

È lui o non è lui l’agente segreto che inciuciava tra stato e cosa nostra? Ciancimino jr divide i pm. “è de gennaro lui il signor franco”. Poi frena: legami tra i due”. La risposta di (de) gennaro ’o spione: “falsità. Mafia attack, it claimed. " Then move the "corrierone and bleaching with a piece of Bianconi:" Don Vito when he met the undercover agent, the director of the university was dis. " It was not a fuoricorso.

in the right hands (E 'HIM OR NOT' HE?)
"Accuse De Gennaro. Ciancimino jr \u200b\u200bdivides pm. "And 'he Mr. Franco." Then brakes: links between the two. " The response of (De) Gennaro 'or spy:' False ', I will not be intimidated. Mob attack, the complaint "(Courier, p. 17). Then move on John Bianconi and defends friendship of a lifetime: "When Don Vito knew the secret agent, the director of the university had Dis'." It was not a fuoricorso.

'The mysteries of the agenda Red': all gl iarticoli Blog

Pearl Izumi Running Tights

Ciancimino Jr., witness or detecting large? Ayala

Sandra Rizza

Great sidetrack or more pages of witness' dark the recent history of Italy ? Since he pronounced the name of Gianni De Gennaro, head of Dis, a former police chief, and especially former employee Giovanni Falcone, the Supertest Massimo Ciancimino seems to have suddenly lost all its appeal from the prosecutor of Caltanissetta , who have entered under investigation for defamation. Technical explanation: the son of Don Vito would at first revealed to an investigator''confidential''by giving the true identity 'of Mr. Franco with a shot of her:''But you have not understood that Mr. Franco and 'De Gennaro ? ''And then, before a verbal and a pm, that is put in front of 'officer' of a formal statement, he backpedaled:''Macchi'.... the mysterious 007 not 'De Gennaro, but a character near De Gennaro.'' So 'at least Massimo Ciancimino says he learned from his father in illo tempore.

Tired of a pull-and-spring that lasts for months on the mystery of the spy who would monitor step by step negotiations between the state and mafia, the prosecutors Caltanissetta pero 'at this point, I jumped on the chair. They have said enough to explain their disappointment and came up with the tenets of Aristotelian logic: either the secret agent and friend of the illustrious superpoliziotto Falcone are the same person - how Massimo said the agency before Dia - or they are two different people - and then Max has lied at least once. Sic here is the indictment for slander. But also for aiding and abetting Mr. Franco and diffusion (the reporters) and the news that 'prohibited disclosure. For the son of Don Vito,''the conversation off the record''with the investigator nisseno the DIA, is likely at this point to weigh a ton. Penalty: the total collapse of its credibility '. Supertestimone with a mark of slander, in fact, not going anywhere. Gloating, in these hours, the judges of the Court of Appeal of the trial of Marcello Dell'Utri (sentenced to 7 years imprisonment) who would not listen to the son of Don Vito in the courtroom, accused of unreliability prior'''' '.

But prosecutors in Palermo, that the revelations of the young Ciancimino have built the maxi-inquiry to the sound of bombs on the dialogue between the State and the Mafia, there are. Unnecessarily, the chief prosecutor Francesco Messineo throws cold water on the expected controversy''denying rumors of a rift with fellow nisseni'':''In related investigations, he says - it is normal that there are differences between the prosecutors, or better that they are made of the evaluations are not perfectly comparable. In this sense, the investigation should be read for libel on the Attorney Massimo Ciancimino Caltanissetta.''

Divergence, then. Nothing more '. But voices from sin (the prosecution Panormita) fled, and promptly reported by the agency Ansa , sembrano offrire una valutazione ben diversa della discrasia tra gli uffici giudiziari. "E' strano - fanno notare a Palermo - che prima di svolgere indagini sulla persona indicata da Ciancimino (De Gennaro, ndr) si indaghi lui per calunnia". Poffarbacco. La frase riportata dall'Ansa sembra rilevare un atteggiamento quanto meno '' tiepido '' della procura nissena davanti all'eventualita' di coinvolgere nelle indagini sulle stragi il nome di De Gennaro, un nome che, evidentemente, fa tremare.

E' tutto qui il succo della storia. Si interrogano gli inquirenti a Palermo: perche' se Ciancimino parla -tra mille altalene di se, di ma, e di non so - di Mori , di Mancino, kidney, to rest, Ruffini, none of the pm instead of jumping on the chair and when he speaks of De Gennaro triggered the indictment, before you even check the veracity 'of his statements? Why 'statements are uncertain and contradictory claim in Caltanissetta. But Palermo, the usual entries from sen fled, are still noted:''There is no 'wonder if the Supertest was hesitant attitude in this matter. If his statements about Mr. Franco hit near De Gennaro and 'more' than plausible that the young Ciancimino be frightened.'' Of course, now, there 'is that the Supertest and' closed like a clam. Quoted by nisseni pm, and is 'exercised the right' to not respond. And then, rancorous, said,''I have to defend myself a proxy with which to collaborate thought.'' Result? A piece of the political class and 'ready to play''ola''. We feel

Fabrizio Cicchitto , parent PDL in the House:''Even before the slander against De Gennaro, Jr. Ciancimino for us was unreliable. And it is very serious that there are still people - like the prosecutors in Palermo - try to save a case by case, in part, the reliability. It 'obvious attempt to use Ciancimino jr \u200b\u200b in key policy as a tool against anyone'. It is also obvious attempt to use the indictment as a means of pro-Ciancimino someone. For example, that Mr. Berlusconi said in Massimo meetings in Milan with Don Vito''to talk business.'' Confirmed, at this point, the direct testimony of the mother, Epiphany Scardino, who participated 'in these meetings. Precipitate, therefore, the indictment for slander ? Or just punishment for a charlatan who likes to mock the powerful? For posterity will judge.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hemp Necklace Patterns

I write

Dario Campolo

I wanted to avoid but I wonder how it is possible and I ask you this, again serving as a magistrate Ayala può esprimere dei pensieri così infami su Salvatore Borsellino?
La mia risposta è ovvia, ma certamente non consolatoria.
Dopo l'ennesimo attacco di Ayala nei confronti di Salvatore mi sono andato a rileggere tutte le sue dichiarazioni passate e presenti sulle stragi perché è di questo che stiamo parlando, eviterò di annoiarvi con cose dette e ridette ma una cosa ci tengo a sottolinearla, il profilo che ne emerge è quello di una persona con un alto indice di "egocentrismo", Ayala è un egocentrico.

Basta leggere l'intervista sulla Stampa in cui descrive il cadavere del suo amico Paolo Borsellino ed ecco che il pensiero corre alla sua presunta morte perché nella morte di Paolo vede la sua, i figli che vivono con la ex moglie pensano che sia morto loro padre, tutto corre e viene ripercorso sul suo rapporto di amicizia, sul suo rapporto primario del pool antimafia (ricordo però che Ayala era un pubblico ministero a differenza del famoso pool dell'ufficio istruzione) e via via così, tutto concentrato su se stesso.

Altra cosa pazzesca è come Ayala abbia cambiato versione nel ritrovamento della borsa di Paolo Borsellino, presa, non presa, data, non data, ma è possibile? Secondo me no, un magistrato con la sua esperienza edl suo calibro che si vanta di essere stato nel pool antimafia non può non sapere gestire un'esperienza di quel tipo dopo aver già vissuto esperienze passate come l'omicidio Chinnici, Costa, Cassara, Montana, Dalla Chiesa, La Torre ......, can not because it is unthinkable that Ayala takes the bag of Paolo Borsellino and can not remember if the person who gave it to be in uniform or not but above all talk after years of silence and after it is published in the famous photo of Captain Arcangioli where it away with the bag of Paolo Borsellino, it is not possible because it is an insult to the intelligence, and hence in the show "Who's afraid of dying every day "of the Ayala you remember even old episodes of 30 years with meticulous detail, makes me smile, or we or us?

conclude with a little controversy, because the family
Borsellino has not intervened in defense of the Savior?
addition to Sonia Alfano, friends, web, myself and all the people of the diaries red and there was a deathly silence that is not beautiful, Rita, Agnes, Manfredi, Lucia Fiammetta?


Engagement Wishes For A Friend


Salvatore Borsellino

P ore than two months ago on this very blog, I published a post titled "The questions that I wanted to do." The occasion was originated by a series of branched news in the media: a statement of Joseph Ayala on stocks dei magistrati e in particolare dei magistrati di Palermo, che secondo Ayala andavano rivisitate a causa della diminuita pericolosità di Cosa Nostra, che “da oltre 18 anni non uccide più“. Nella sua replica, il presidente della giunta Anm di Palermo, Nino di Matteo, manifestava le sue perplessità relativamente a questa dichiarazione che riteneva, giustamente, “fuori luogo e fuori tempo“. La contro-replica di Ayala che, con la supponenza che gli è consueta, definiva Di Matteo – uno dei magistrati più impegnati nelle nuove inchieste della Procura di Palermo sulla “trattativa” che probabilmente fu la causa scatenante della strage di Via D’Amelio, e pertanto uno dei magistrati più at risk - "a colleague who has begun to take its first steps as a judge until 1993, when that Ayala had already left, but only tempora, the toga to pursue a more comfortable life as a parliamentarian. Except then revive the same gown shake off the dust accumulated in four legislatures, two in the House and two in the Senate, arriving from the Italian Republican Party to Democratic Alliance and finally to the Democrats of the Left.

On this basis I asked him a series of questions defining them as "questions that I wanted to do" but I had to do in front of some episodes and some doubt that continued to plague me with regard to Ayala. The first concerned The Red Diary of Paul, he had disappeared shortly after the massacre and a series of conflicting testimony given by Joseph Ayala on the incident which saw him involved, starring as one of the people who were holding the bag after Paul the massacre. The four different versions, in succession:

That 's April 8, 1998, in which Ayala claims to have refused to pick up the bag that a police officer handed him after removal from the back seat of the armored car of Paul. That
of July 2, 1998 in which Ayala is no longer sure that the man, even if in uniform, was an officer of the carabinieri.
That of September 12, 2005 (in frattempo, a seguito del ritrovamento di una fotografia, è entrato in scena anche il Cap. Arcangioli) nella quale Ayala cambia completamente versione e dice di avere prelevato lui la borsa dal sedile posteriore ma di averla poi affiata ad un ufficiale dei carabinieri escludendo addirittura “in modo perentorio che sia stato l’ufficiale di cui si parla a consegnare a me la borsa“.
Ed infine quella dell’ 8 febbraio 2006, la più confusa nonostante sia l’ultima, nella quale prima sarebbe una persona che “è certo che non fosse in divisa” a prelevare la borsa e poi è la stessa persona, che adesso però è improvvisamente “in divisa“, a volgersi verso di lui e a consegnagli al borsa, che egli stesso, a sua volta, consegna “istintivamente” ad un ufficiale in divisa che si trovava accanto alla macchina.
Le corrispondenti dichiarazione del Cap. Arcangioli del 5 maggio 2005 sono completamente differenti e raccontano di Arcangioli e di Ayala che aprono insieme la borsa e constatano che non c’è l’agenda. Ma sapevano che ci fosse o che ci dovesse essere?

A fronte di queste incredibili contraddizioni mi sembra che sia naturale e legittima la prima domanda posta ad Ayala: come è possibile che un magistrato della sua esperienza dia versioni così contrastanti e contraddittorie di un episodio di cui, come magistrato, sapeva che sarebbe stato chiamato a rendere testimonianza? Come è possible that a magistrate, although already spent a political career, has served to alter or to allow it to be altered the scene of the crime without even bothering to identify or to identify the person to whom the bag was delivered to Paul, not even recall clearly if this person were in uniform or plain clothes?

The second question concerns the meeting of 1 July 1992 and Paolo Borsellino, Nicola Mancino, the newly appointed interior minister in his study of the interior ministry. Ayala is not directly involved here, but has acted as a witness on his own initiative before involuntarily charged and then discharge, saying he had shown before Mancino's agenda Annotated, July 1, meeting with Paolo Borsellino, and then completely changing version, saying that you have to have seen an agenda with no record and arguing like this show that there had been no meeting. My request was to clarify this fact and explain why he had provided to support the first version and later denied and if these pictures had suffered stress from someone.

The last question was simpler and involves only an ethical issue, namely whether it was appropriate that a magistrate on duty, that he himself participated, as the sole protagonist, a performance fee, which speaks the period he spent together with Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino: that is, if considered appropriate to the commodification of memory of the two judges killed and his friendship with them.
I think it was that most legitimate questions from those who have devoted the last part of his life in search of justice and truth about a massacre which, eighteen years later, almost nothing is still unknown and for which, like all the massacres of the state, have followed false leads and complicit silence of all kinds. For more than two months these questions have not been worthy of any response, but a few days ago there has been a new fact.

A group of boys members of the Movement of 5 Star Bologna thought to occur at the theater where she went on stage, for a fee, the spectacle of Ayala and, moved by the desire to seek an answer to my questions and intention to inform the public about the most controversial passages that concerned the testimony of Ayala about what happened on the day of the massacre in via D'Amelio, sought to solicit responses from these same Ayala. And so the responses from Ayala finally arrived.
But there is a problem, and is not indifferent: the answers have nothing to do with the questions and, indeed, it seems designed to circumvent, avoid responding. During dell’intervista, visibile su You Tube e riportata da diversi siti sulla rete, Ayala comincia dapprima ad accusarmi, accompagnando le sue affermazioni con evidenti gesti ed espressioni allusive del viso, di essere “una persona che soffre di gravi problemi mentali“, “un caso umano“, e poi, non ancora appagato, aggiunge, e lo ribadisce più volte accompagnandolo con quella mimica che gli proviene dalle innegabili doti di affabulatore e di intrattenitore, che il rapporto tra me e mio fratello sarebbe lo stesso che intercorse tra Abele e Caino. Se ne deduce, dato che ovviamente Paolo non può essere altri che Abele, che io sarei evidentemente paragonabile a Caino, cioè all’assassino di suo fratello.

At this point, as well as Mr. Ayala called to answer before the law of his claims by producing certificates that attest to my mental illness and making the names of other people, as claimed during the interview, sharing his diagnosis , I just have to ask him two more questions and add to those already in the queue. The first concerns a statement made during his interview, namely that he did not even know the existence of this red diary of Paul. Maybe he did not know the color, but the fact that Paul, not inclined to use computers, take the hand of his notes on calendars or address books, Ayala has repeatedly spoken with me personally, and therefore could and should assume that his bag might contain something important enough to require a greater care than to entrust it to the first person in uniform or not, that he had found nearby.

In any case, since in an interview July 23, 2009, reproduced in a book published by the Anti-mafia millennium, Ayala says, "it is likely that the agenda was inside the bag and that has been made to disappear", I ask him how do you reconcile this claim on that which it says he does not know the existence of an agenda of Paul and what elements have to say that it can be made to disappear. In this respect, I ask again, hoping that he understands that this is a provocative question and further ramblings of a mentally ill person, in case you do not have elements that are able to prove that I was to steal the red diary of Paul. I think that is an act attributable to a person perfectly comparable to Cain.

An eventual thesis in this direction could be supported by a tation of the Supreme Court that suggested that the red diary at the time of the massacre, despite the testimony in this sense, the wife of Paul, he was in his bag. This means, as Paul was so jealous of his agenda this to take with him, which could avergliela subtracted only one of his relatives narrow, as, for example, a brother, who, although comparable to Cain, could not, because of the close family relationship, do not enjoy his confidence, albeit misplaced. Ayala for one last question: if, as magistrate, asked and obtained permission to enter from the CSM, as protagonist in shows for a fee. As a politician could do it without problems, as a judge I think is necessary, as well as appropriate.

Monday, December 6, 2010

When Is The 99 Dollar Sale At David's

Joseph Ayala Ayala against Salvatore Borsellino: pity, anger and thirst for truth '

Giorgio Bongiovanni and Lorenzo Baldo

We have already written an open letter to the challenging Joseph Ayala His unfortunate statement on lifting of stocks to judges serving in the front line, in Palermo. While stressing that he thought fit scornfully that some judges would have lived as "the disappearance of a status symbol."

At the former senator of the Republic had also contested the allegations against Mr. sarcastic. Antonino Di Matteo called "young colleague who represents the National Association of Magistrates of Palermo" and "began to take its first steps as magistrate until 1993." Today we believe that the former
pm the Maxi has exceeded all bounds of decency and dell'impudenza. Define the brother of Paolo Borsellino, Salvatore, as "A man who has mental health problems," risking comparison with the comparison between the two biblical "Abel had a brother, disgusts us. Giuseppe Ayala not only answers questions he called "rants" posted by Salvatore Borsellino on its site but also allows you to offend him strutting about as one who for 10 years of his life was "the voice of the anti-mafia pool" . Now, leaving aside the sympathy towards those who need income to live on exploiting friendships, experiences and memories, is the disgust at the cowardly attack by a man - and this is a fact a fact - that the quest for truth on the massacre in via D'Amelio has done nothing but confuse the tables. The traces of its various versions of the bag on the discovery of Paolo Borsellino were acts of criminal proceedings which saw the policeman John Arcangioli writing under investigation by the prosecutor in Caltanissetta for aggravated theft.
And if Ayala is proclaimed "the voice of the anti-mafia pool" because it does not ask what its conflicting versions have not helped to dissolve the least one of the most impenetrable mysteries of our contemporary history? It is not enough memory on the pretext of AC to justify their statements that investigators have only led to confusion. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court prevented through a proper trial in a courtroom could restore the truth about the discovery of the grant Paolo Borsellino. So what historians call "singular versions of statements by a witness" will remain as a subject to see how often the mysteries of the state are dotted with glimpses of who poses as a leading man but there is always only one "occurrence" that - only for a period of his life - has undoubtedly played a major role.
Beyond all our total and unconditional solidarity with Salvatore Borsellino to which we are indebted for its authentic search for truth on what was a massacre State remains a final consideration to make.
Among the different aspects of the events of Joseph Ayala there is one on which he would like a precise answer. In an interview on July 23, 2009 (reproduced in our book "The Last Days of Paolo Borsellino) Ayala returned to his second release claiming to have personally taken the bag of Paolo Borsellino, a former prosecutor at the Maxi Trial reiterates that it did not open since it had MP and had no way to do it. The former senator continues in the story stating that once you find the bag has been handed to an officer of the police, then pointed out that "it is likely that the agenda was inside the bag and that is been made to disappear. " At this point, Dr. Ayala will tell us once and for all: according to what his knowledge of the opinion that the red diary was made to disappear? By whom and for what reasons? Tell

How Much Does It Take To Fill Up A Cherokee

"nothing but a victim of the MSM only covers Ayala himself"

rescued from an old article on courier Ayala, very interesting, 31 August 1993. Happy reading

Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli at odds with Joseph Ayala

PUBLISHED ------------------------- ----- ------------------------- 's interview. Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli attacks TITLE: "Other than the victim Ayala covers only the CSM itself "" Moved 's office' cause he had debts to half a billion and why 'interfere' in the work of a colleague for a suspect "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROME. "Enough, I'm sick of hearing that Ayala says he was victim of persecution by the CSM. Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli and ' known in the Palace of politics as a person used to measure the words, so 'its image as a cure: the smallest detail. But it' s "furious" after reading that passage of the 'interview with Corriere Ayala, in which the' exponent Republican claims to have been "massacred" by the CSM at the time of the Palermo mafia pool. He says: "It 's a lie." It asks the newspaper to tell the background to the confrontation between the 'self-governing body of judges and the prosecutor in the famous maxi trial in Palermo. The Fumagalli know. even before they begin speaking. that its dispute with Ayala will not be 'a trivial quarrel at the end of summer: the' attack and 'those intended to make its mark. In political relations as the personal ones. "But it 's time to tell the truth,'" attacks. "Ayala uses the usual method: create fuss ideological cover for sleazy personal life or even worse acts of professional misconduct. I have been part of the CSM and I know how things went. As part of the Anti-Mafia commission, I read the minutes of the Council concerning him. " And the way they did things? "The CSM transfer 'd' Ayala office for two episodes. The first and 'the story of a debt of more than 500 million contract with a bank of' island: Ayala had an exposure of the original 20 million to Banco di Sicilia and by dint of checks built off 'a debt of over half a billion. To cover the' hole ', the bank get up' the first exposure to 50, then to 100 million. But the debt grew more and more 'big. I remember that during the debate on the case to the CSM Ayala, a robed claimed that Banco di Sicilia was to protest the bad checks. If he did not. was the thesis. was not to alienate a powerful magistrate. " 'The other episode, and' even more 'serious: Ayala was responsible for interference in activity' of another magistrate, who was conducting an 'investigation of a crash of 3 billion and a half. It was a matter of cross-checks involving the Savings Bank of Villagrazia, stronghold of the Mafia boss Stefano Bontade. Ayala unlawfully intervened on colleague, who claimed to have a light hand for a suspected ...". The name of the 'suspect? "A former journalist well known in Sicily, a character that much disqualified Ayala goes' in the following interview with the links ... Better to fade on the details that might give substance to a tasty tale of Sciascia. I just say that the link that Ayala try 'to press was Vincenzo Geraci. Geraci then that was criminalized by some left-wing press, for having voted against Falcone for the office Adviser instructor at Palermo. Perhaps that was deliberate campaign against Geraci, maybe you wanted to since then neutralize the credibility 'of a magistrate who had witnessed some embarrassing episodes in which Ayala had been caught. "Ayala said that the Superior Council of Magistracy attack' him Falcone to attack. "Ayala behaves like certain politicians were up to some time ago, they used the 'membership in the Resistance as a political shield. Today, Ayala uses a shield over 'macabre, the murder victims: Do not waste the chance to associate his name with that of Falcone. But among them was not running at all bad blood. "He argues instead that they were good friends." But I remember that after the transfer of 'office space by CSM, Ayala try 'to go to the ministry where Falcone was the director general of criminal affairs. A slam the door in his face was Falcone, who said, "O her or me." And that was fortunate enough to Ayala, who found himself 'open the door of the Committee on Anti-Mafia: they' came to play the role of consultant. Chiaromonte was to announce ...". But if Ayala was not a genius, 'cause did not oppose it? "Actually many of the parliamentary committee were not d' Agreement. However, I think 'that if we had accepted him to work at' Anti-Mafia, we removed from the judicial function a figure talk. "He realizes that the charges for? Behind these words there will be no personal rancor?" Absolutely no. Ayala and 'also a funny person. And if one wants to invite him to dinner and 'a man of the world ... Oh, and 'a good lawyer and the things he said about the dispute between the magistrates of the "Clean Hands" subscribe. All except one: when using the standard of living as a yardstick to measure the involvement of the PDS in Tangentopoli. His is a 'statement of a chilling indifference. I hope that this unit 'of measure is not applied to Ayala, who likes the comfortable life and bubbly. And I hope Ayala will be re-elected: so 'do not revert to the court. "Francesco Verderame

Francesco Verderame Archival