rescued from an old article on courier Ayala, very interesting, 31 August 1993. Happy reading
Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli at odds with Joseph Ayala
PUBLISHED ------------------------- ----- ------------------------- 's interview. Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli attacks TITLE: "Other than the victim Ayala covers only the CSM itself "" Moved 's office' cause he had debts to half a billion and why 'interfere' in the work of a colleague for a suspect "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROME. "Enough, I'm sick of hearing that Ayala says he was victim of persecution by the CSM. Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli and ' known in the Palace of politics as a person used to measure the words, so 'its image as a cure: the smallest detail. But it' s "furious" after reading that passage of the 'interview with Corriere Ayala, in which the' exponent Republican claims to have been "massacred" by the CSM at the time of the Palermo mafia pool. He says: "It 's a lie." It asks the newspaper to tell the background to the confrontation between the 'self-governing body of judges and the prosecutor in the famous maxi trial in Palermo. The Fumagalli know. even before they begin speaking. that its dispute with Ayala will not be 'a trivial quarrel at the end of summer: the' attack and 'those intended to make its mark. In political relations as the personal ones. "But it 's time to tell the truth,'" attacks. "Ayala uses the usual method: create fuss ideological cover for sleazy personal life or even worse acts of professional misconduct. I have been part of the CSM and I know how things went. As part of the Anti-Mafia commission, I read the minutes of the Council concerning him. " And the way they did things? "The CSM transfer 'd' Ayala office for two episodes. The first and 'the story of a debt of more than 500 million contract with a bank of' island: Ayala had an exposure of the original 20 million to Banco di Sicilia and by dint of checks built off 'a debt of over half a billion. To cover the' hole ', the bank get up' the first exposure to 50, then to 100 million. But the debt grew more and more 'big. I remember that during the debate on the case to the CSM Ayala, a robed claimed that Banco di Sicilia was to protest the bad checks. If he did not. was the thesis. was not to alienate a powerful magistrate. " 'The other episode, and' even more 'serious: Ayala was responsible for interference in activity' of another magistrate, who was conducting an 'investigation of a crash of 3 billion and a half. It was a matter of cross-checks involving the Savings Bank of Villagrazia, stronghold of the Mafia boss Stefano Bontade. Ayala unlawfully intervened on colleague, who claimed to have a light hand for a suspected ...". The name of the 'suspect? "A former journalist well known in Sicily, a character that much disqualified Ayala goes' in the following interview with the links ... Better to fade on the details that might give substance to a tasty tale of Sciascia. I just say that the link that Ayala try 'to press was Vincenzo Geraci. Geraci then that was criminalized by some left-wing press, for having voted against Falcone for the office Adviser instructor at Palermo. Perhaps that was deliberate campaign against Geraci, maybe you wanted to since then neutralize the credibility 'of a magistrate who had witnessed some embarrassing episodes in which Ayala had been caught. "Ayala said that the Superior Council of Magistracy attack' him Falcone to attack. "Ayala behaves like certain politicians were up to some time ago, they used the 'membership in the Resistance as a political shield. Today, Ayala uses a shield over 'macabre, the murder victims: Do not waste the chance to associate his name with that of Falcone. But among them was not running at all bad blood. "He argues instead that they were good friends." But I remember that after the transfer of 'office space by CSM, Ayala try 'to go to the ministry where Falcone was the director general of criminal affairs. A slam the door in his face was Falcone, who said, "O her or me." And that was fortunate enough to Ayala, who found himself 'open the door of the Committee on Anti-Mafia: they' came to play the role of consultant. Chiaromonte was to announce ...". But if Ayala was not a genius, 'cause did not oppose it? "Actually many of the parliamentary committee were not d' Agreement. However, I think 'that if we had accepted him to work at' Anti-Mafia, we removed from the judicial function a figure talk. "He realizes that the charges for? Behind these words there will be no personal rancor?" Absolutely no. Ayala and 'also a funny person. And if one wants to invite him to dinner and 'a man of the world ... Oh, and 'a good lawyer and the things he said about the dispute between the magistrates of the "Clean Hands" subscribe. All except one: when using the standard of living as a yardstick to measure the involvement of the PDS in Tangentopoli. His is a 'statement of a chilling indifference. I hope that this unit 'of measure is not applied to Ayala, who likes the comfortable life and bubbly. And I hope Ayala will be re-elected: so 'do not revert to the court. "Francesco Verderame
Francesco Verderame Archival
PUBLISHED ------------------------- ----- ------------------------- 's interview. Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli attacks TITLE: "Other than the victim Ayala covers only the CSM itself "" Moved 's office' cause he had debts to half a billion and why 'interfere' in the work of a colleague for a suspect "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROME. "Enough, I'm sick of hearing that Ayala says he was victim of persecution by the CSM. Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli and ' known in the Palace of politics as a person used to measure the words, so 'its image as a cure: the smallest detail. But it' s "furious" after reading that passage of the 'interview with Corriere Ayala, in which the' exponent Republican claims to have been "massacred" by the CSM at the time of the Palermo mafia pool. He says: "It 's a lie." It asks the newspaper to tell the background to the confrontation between the 'self-governing body of judges and the prosecutor in the famous maxi trial in Palermo. The Fumagalli know. even before they begin speaking. that its dispute with Ayala will not be 'a trivial quarrel at the end of summer: the' attack and 'those intended to make its mark. In political relations as the personal ones. "But it 's time to tell the truth,'" attacks. "Ayala uses the usual method: create fuss ideological cover for sleazy personal life or even worse acts of professional misconduct. I have been part of the CSM and I know how things went. As part of the Anti-Mafia commission, I read the minutes of the Council concerning him. " And the way they did things? "The CSM transfer 'd' Ayala office for two episodes. The first and 'the story of a debt of more than 500 million contract with a bank of' island: Ayala had an exposure of the original 20 million to Banco di Sicilia and by dint of checks built off 'a debt of over half a billion. To cover the' hole ', the bank get up' the first exposure to 50, then to 100 million. But the debt grew more and more 'big. I remember that during the debate on the case to the CSM Ayala, a robed claimed that Banco di Sicilia was to protest the bad checks. If he did not. was the thesis. was not to alienate a powerful magistrate. " 'The other episode, and' even more 'serious: Ayala was responsible for interference in activity' of another magistrate, who was conducting an 'investigation of a crash of 3 billion and a half. It was a matter of cross-checks involving the Savings Bank of Villagrazia, stronghold of the Mafia boss Stefano Bontade. Ayala unlawfully intervened on colleague, who claimed to have a light hand for a suspected ...". The name of the 'suspect? "A former journalist well known in Sicily, a character that much disqualified Ayala goes' in the following interview with the links ... Better to fade on the details that might give substance to a tasty tale of Sciascia. I just say that the link that Ayala try 'to press was Vincenzo Geraci. Geraci then that was criminalized by some left-wing press, for having voted against Falcone for the office Adviser instructor at Palermo. Perhaps that was deliberate campaign against Geraci, maybe you wanted to since then neutralize the credibility 'of a magistrate who had witnessed some embarrassing episodes in which Ayala had been caught. "Ayala said that the Superior Council of Magistracy attack' him Falcone to attack. "Ayala behaves like certain politicians were up to some time ago, they used the 'membership in the Resistance as a political shield. Today, Ayala uses a shield over 'macabre, the murder victims: Do not waste the chance to associate his name with that of Falcone. But among them was not running at all bad blood. "He argues instead that they were good friends." But I remember that after the transfer of 'office space by CSM, Ayala try 'to go to the ministry where Falcone was the director general of criminal affairs. A slam the door in his face was Falcone, who said, "O her or me." And that was fortunate enough to Ayala, who found himself 'open the door of the Committee on Anti-Mafia: they' came to play the role of consultant. Chiaromonte was to announce ...". But if Ayala was not a genius, 'cause did not oppose it? "Actually many of the parliamentary committee were not d' Agreement. However, I think 'that if we had accepted him to work at' Anti-Mafia, we removed from the judicial function a figure talk. "He realizes that the charges for? Behind these words there will be no personal rancor?" Absolutely no. Ayala and 'also a funny person. And if one wants to invite him to dinner and 'a man of the world ... Oh, and 'a good lawyer and the things he said about the dispute between the magistrates of the "Clean Hands" subscribe. All except one: when using the standard of living as a yardstick to measure the involvement of the PDS in Tangentopoli. His is a 'statement of a chilling indifference. I hope that this unit 'of measure is not applied to Ayala, who likes the comfortable life and bubbly. And I hope Ayala will be re-elected: so 'do not revert to the court. "Francesco Verderame
Francesco Verderame Archival
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