Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Calories In Smoked Mozzarella

yes, but civil commitment

Umberto Lucentini

The dinner is open from New Year's Greeting from Libera Terra lentils grown in Caserta. A table in a farmhouse in the province of Turin or in a farmhouse in the countryside of Siena in confiscated property to boss in Calabria and Sicily. A signature at banquets, or via the Internet, because the corrupt back to the community the fruits of their depredations. A toast with white wine cellar reminiscent Centopassi Peppino Impastato and his battles as a mafia Georgofili in Florence, on the site of the massacre of 1993. Or, a party with dj Addiopizzo opened its new headquarters in a local confiscated from capocosca Masino Spadaro. Ideas for a New Year that can have a civil commitment, suggested by experts for dependability.

Bruno and Carla House Hunting
via Serra High in San Sebastiano da Po 6, a small town a stone's throw from Chivasso, near Turin.
is a house of a thousand square meters, surrounded by a hectare of farmland, confiscated to the members of the family Belfiore. Domenico, the clan chief, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1992 as principal of the murder of the prosecutor in Turin, Bruno Caccia, killed June 26, 1983 for having initiated important investigations underworld clan. The Prosecution led by Hunt also taught the first trials of the historical leaders of Br and the front line. The final confiscation of the property was conducted in December 1999 but only in 2005, with input from the junta led by the mayor Paolo ditch, the goods were intended for the Gruppo Abele.

* Reported by Flavio Tranquillo, Sky Sports commentator, author, together with the magistrate Mario Conte of the book "The ten steps, small breviary on the legality ".

Shop tastes and knowledge of law
Via Raffaele De Cesare, 22 (Trav. Palace of Saint Lucia), Naples
A" pack the Camorra ", ie food and sweets products in the lands confiscated from Caserta boss, to take on the dinner table: You can buy into the "workshop of the tastes and knowledge of the law 'which is owned by Freedom of Campania. The members of Freedom, along with children Orsamaggiore are pledging in these days to open "The Gloriette," a center for disabled children in a villa belonging to the Camorra Michele Zaza. The boss in the 80 controlled the smuggling of cigarettes and lived in Naples in a "mansion" in Via Petrarca with pool, park and a breathtaking view over the gulf. The police, who had been assigned, has entrusted to voluntary associations. There they consume foods obtained by cultivating the land confiscated from Casale. A few steps from "The Gloriette" there is a field of about eleven thousand square meters with a small brick building that will be taken care of and intended for some crops of free land.

* reported by Santi Giuffre, superintendent of Naples

Online Petition The corrupt return what they stole
The banquet facilities are already at work in hundreds of squares in Italy, from Rome, in Latin , in Caltanissetta in Alexandria. The initiative starts from the Free and Public Notice, is a signature campaign to ask the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, "to intervene, in the form and manner it deems most appropriate, to the Government and Parliament to ratify as soon as possible give practical effect to the treaties, international conventions and EU directives on anti-corruption and the rules, introduced by Finance Act 2007, for the confiscation and social use of goods stolen from the corrupt. " On 31 December must also sign a Calatafimi Segesta, in the province of Trapani, in square Blessed Archangel from 17 to 21, and online and

*segnalato da Giovanni Crescente, direttore di Confindustria Caltanissetta

Agriturismo Suvignano
Str. Monteroni Vescovado 2759, 53014 Monteroni d'Arbia, Siena
La splendida tenuta era stata acquistata dal costruttore mafioso Vincenzo Piazza, arrestato su ordine della magistratura di Palermo per aver riciclato i soldi di Cosa nostra. Destinata a luogo di villeggiatura per la famiglia dell'imprenditore, è stata sequestrata nel 1994 insieme ad altre aziende (il provvedimento riguardò beni per 1 miliardo e 500 milioni di euro) ed è stata confiscata nel 2007. Resa produttiva grazie ad una serie di interventi mirati con punte di eccellenza nella zootecnia, nell'agricoltura and in the farm, now the company must become true of € 35 million and 30 employees working there. There is an animal park of 1,800 sheep, milk and oil is produced, Cinta Senese pigs are bred for the production of sausages with the DOP certification which are among the most popular in the world. Agreements with universities and institutes of Livestock Tuscany and Sicily allow testing of crops and projects for the pet-terapy.

* Reported by Chaplain Gary Seminara, a lawyer, and manager of property seized or confiscated from the boss and director of the Farm Financial Suvignano

Via dei Goergofili
A bottle of champagne uncorked between the historic Tower of Fleas, the Uffizi, the Arno, the headquarters of the Georgofili to say that the mafia does not go from there. A toast to the places where an attack organized by the boss of Cosa Nostra in the night between 26 and 27 May 1993, five people died: Catherine Nencini, 50 days old; Nencioni Nadia, age 9; Capolicchio Dario, 22 years, Angela River, 36; Nencioni Fabrizio, 39, and another 48 were injured. Via Georgofili not because it is a place there, but because the anti-mafia mafia hit hard.

* reported by Giovanna Maggiani Chelli, president of one of the families of victims of massacre of Georgofili Florence

Via Lincoln 131, Palermo
The dance party with DJ sets and open bar at the new headquarters of Addiopizzo, confiscated from the local mob boss starts at Spataro Masino 22 Friday, Dec. 31. The idea is to celebrate the arrival of 2011 in a room belonging to the mafia, and opened a few days ago as the headquarters of the association who launched the campaign against Palermo in the protection racket. To participate in this event need to Addiopizzo Tessera. For members and support the Committee, or for info or reservations, call 380 3691047. To stay in Palermo, there are several structures "lace-free" whose owners have joined the campaign "no mafia": b & b, hotels and hostels.

* Reported by Dario Riccobono, a founder of Addiopizzo Travel

work for a smile
virtual tour on the website of the Association of parents of children with cleft lip and palate at birth by. Via
Rodolfi 37, Vicenza
A journey in the hope to help children born with a malformation that affects the aesthetics of the face and mouth and slows the acquisition of power functions, language and social participation and help with your help to "give them a smile." A trip to "zero cost" Site information and dissemination of the Association out what the fund-raising and scientific conducted at San Bortolo Hospital Vicenza. There are several steps you can join: the composition of information materials, assistance to parents of sick children to help or replace during the post-operative care to the child, support for related activities such as educational workshops and rehabilitation, speech therapy structured for children and parents or the days of science.

* Reported by Licia Serpico, an official of the Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate of Padua and collaborator Association "We work for a smile."

Kalhesa Kursaal, multipurpose center
Foro Umberto I 21, Palermo
A library with titles ranging from the mafia, the 'Ndrangheta, the wise, a wine bar, an internet point and a restaurant: Here is the mix of multi-purpose center where there are book launches, exhibitions and concerts, at least until 1am (the rest is done by the success of the event). The Kursaal Kalhesa affiliated with Addio Pizzo and comes in a charming ancient building, the Town Fork / De Seta, site as a whole century Porta said of the Greeks and the Ramparts. Maximum attention is given to the subject of law: there have submitted their books on the investigating magistrates' Ndrangheta Nicola Gratteri or how there was talk of "pizzini of legality" as opposed to those used by the boss Bernardo Provenzano to order offenses or extortion.

* Reported by Antonio Ingroia, deputy prosecutor in Palermo, author of "In the maze of the gods. Stories of mafia and mafia"


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