WikiLeaks Case, a cable ambassador Thorne uses: private use of power. "The decree Romans would provide the basis for legal action against those who were to compete against members of the government." "So it mutes the competition policy "
Vincenzo Nigro

ROME -" So Berlusconi wants to censor the Internet "to" promote their companies' commercial and silence "competition policy". The last two cablegrams ambassador David Thorne common use in Rome by WikiLeaks, report the criticisms, doubts and suspicions of the U.S. on "the law of Rome." It is the anti-Internet decree that the Italian government wanted to switch between late 2009 and early 2010. In a cable February 3, 2010, Thorne summarizes: "The law will give the possibility to block or censor any content," and "encourage companies Silvio Berlusconi to meet its competitors. "The confirmation, according to the ambassador, a" model of family business in which Berlusconi and Mediaset have used the power of the government in this way since the days of Prime Minister Craxi.
Thorne State Department says that "the law could have been written to give the government the power to censor or block any content on the Internet if the government considers defamatory or foods that criminal activities." The decree "would provide the basis for legal action against media organizations that may compete against members of trade policy or government. "In the telegram Thorne recalled that for years the U.S. has put pressure on Italian government to approve laws to avoid legal consequences for those who work
on the Internet: "So far Italy has done very little," and now "with this law and cooperation rather skip any proposed regulation is very hard." Thorne, who was alongside John Kerry and Obama staff in the use of the Internet in American election campaign of 2008, says that the Italian law "could be a precedent for countries like China, which could copy it or take it as a justification their attacks against freedom of expression. " Antonello Busetto, a U.S. embassy source Confindustria heard, this law "could mean the death of the Internet in Italy." In addition, managers
Sky-TV in Italy at the U.S. Embassy confirmed that the Roman law would have "offered many commercial advantages to Mediaset, the television of the prime minister, compared to Sky, one of its main competitors." These leaders, "confirm the role of the Romans as a leader within the government to help Mediaset Sky to put in a situation of disadvantage." The U.S. embassy in Washington says that among other things the government wants to force Internet providers such as YouTube and Blogspot "to become responsible for the content they publish as are televisions," something "could be from the economic point of view that and practical. " E "as required by law to be made subject to defamation and other points of view that the Internet provider, some see it as a way to control the political debate on the Internet. "Furthermore, Thorne added," View from a business perspective, the rule seeks to limit the video and TV on the Internet helps the company Mediaset and the prime minister explores the market for Internet television. "
The ambassador writes that the Italian authority for communications, AGCOM, has the power to block sites and non-Italian to" impose fines of up to 150 000 € to foreign companies : The Authority is independent in theory, but many fear that is not sufficiently strong to withstand political pressures ".
Thorne concludes, noting that the government has already taken several steps to control the social networks of the Internet, "including the infamous intention to require that bloggers should have the license journalists, which is granted by the government."
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