Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Harold And Kumar Bottomless Party Iphone

between Sonia Alfano and Licia Ronzulli "Vajassa. "I'll Sue"

From Strasbourg MEP IDV Sonia Alfano accused the Italian government to have legalized corruption. The PDL of colleague Licia Ronzulli tries to stop it, shouting across the classroom. Alfano asks: "The vajasse are also at the European Parliament?". And so the epithet in taxes paid to Italy by the Minister Mara Carfagna apostrophize Alessandra Mussolini arrived in Europe.

Alfano is giving a speech in the classroom. He accused the Italian government to have gained the trust with the votes of opposition MPs approached by the majority "and ricandidature with promises of money." Ronzulli explodes the first time, try to stop rival. But Alfano continues: "Shut up, why are not you the Italian Parliament. Shut up, you are talking about violations of fundamental rights. Nothing new home of the corruptor Berlusconi. " Ronzulli continues to scream on the other side of the Chamber. E 'at this point that is referred to as a "vajassa", that is a woman of low social status or worse. It is also silenced by the Chair of dell'Europarlamento: "Stop talking. His attitude is inappropriate, can not continue to interrupt. Respect. " And then: "This is the last time I tell him. If it gets up again and stops the session, ask you to leave the room. It 'clear enough? ". But there is Ronzulli: feels offended and threatened legal action against Sonia Alfano.


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